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Il commercio parallelo di farmaci tra libera circolazione delle merci e prospettive evolutive nell’ambito della nuova Strategia farmaceutica per l’Europa


Abstract: Parallel trade of pharmaceuticals is one of the most contended issues emerging from this industrial sector, which requires to strike a sensitive balance between the fundamental tenets of the internal market (particularly the free movement of goods), the Member States’ competence in regulating the prices of medicines and the conflicting...

Misure emergenziali al confine tra UE e Bielorussia: uno scontro tra 'titani' con gravi ripercussioni per i migranti


Abstract: The migration crisis at the EU-Belorussian border is escalating and the potential for grave human rights violations against third country-nationals stuck between the two “titans” is more and more likely to materialize. This Insight aims to provide an overview of the emergency measures that have been adopted at the national and EU...

The Nansen Passport and the EU Temporary Protection Directive: Reflections on Solidarity, Mobility Rights and the Future of Asylum in Europe


Abstract: The Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) is one of the most controversial pieces of EU legislation. Adopted back in 2001 and never implemented, it has been at the margins of EU migration and asylum policies until, on 3 March 2022, the Home Affairs Ministers of the EU27 reached an “historic agreement” on its activation. This Insight...

La Procura della Repubblica tra rinvio pregiudiziale ed esecuzione dell’ordine europeo di indagine penale: considerazioni relative alla causa XK


Abstract: In 1996, the Court of Justice ruled out that prosecutors could refer questions for a preliminary ruling on the grounds that their task is not to settle a dispute in complete independence but to submit it to a court by means of criminal prosecution. In case C-66/20 XK ECLI:EU:C:2021:200, the Court was asked to deal with the same...

A Spouse Can Only Have One Habitual Residence for the Application of Article 3 Brussels II-bis


Abstract: In application of art. 3 Brussels II-bis a spouse can only have one habitual residence even if he/she share his/her time between two Member States. The court has the duty to establish his/her habitual residence taking into account the place where such person has the main centre of his or her interests and a stable presence....

Tackling the Climate Crisis with Counter-majoritarian Instruments: Judges Between Political Paralysis, Science, and International Law


Abstract: The climate crisis is – as far as we can see in 2021 – the greatest challenge of the 21st century. The existence of global warming as a human-made problem and the abstract need of transiting away from fossil energy sources is largely accepted. The question, however, of how to best achieve this transition is a major bone of contention –...

Politica dei visti e stato di diritto: il difficile equilibrio tra sovranità e garanzie procedurali nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia


Abstract: Third country nationals are in a “weak” position when it comes to issuing a uniform Schengen short-term visa. The EU acquis on visas, and most notably the Visa Code, is still a domain strongly marked by State sovereignty, wide margin of appreciation and scarce transparency in the decision-making process. The EU Court of Justice...

Case Prokuratuur: Proportionality and the Independence of Authorities in Data Retention


Abstract: Records of electronic communication metadata allow detailed conclusions about habits of daily life, such as places of residence, activities carried out, or social relations. This data can therefore be useful in criminal investigations. The CJEU elaborated in case Prokuratuur (case C-746/18 ECLI:EU:C:2021:152) on the conditions of...



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