Overcoming the Single Country Veto in EU Reform?


Abstract: This contribution to the Dialogue discusses the contribution by Federico Fabbrini, in which he proposes an innovative way forward for the reform of the European Union (F. Fabbrini, Reforming the EU Outside the EU? The Conference on the Future of Europe and Its Options, in European Papers, Vol. 5, 2020, No 2,...

The Place of the OMC in the System of EU Competences and Sources of Law


Table of Contents: I. The place of the OMC in primary EU law. – II. The OMC and the principle of conferral. – III. Does the OMC produce soft law? – IV. Conclusion: Is the OMC part of the EU legal order?

Abstract: It is often said that the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) is a form of soft law and...


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