Quaderni europei - In pubblicazione sui prossimi fascicoli dell’e-Journal

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European Papers is glad to announce the publicaton of the following contributions in the next issues of the e-Journal.                                           

European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 8, 2023, No 3
The Autonomy of EU Law, Legal Theory and European Integration
edited by Justin Lindeboom and Ramses A. Wessel
Justin Lindeboom and Ramses A. Wessel, Introduction: The Autonomy of EU Law, Legal Theory and European Integration
Pavlos Eleftheriadis, The Primacy of EU Law: Interpretive, not Structural
George Letsas, Does Anything Hang on the Autonomy of EU Law?
Pauline Westerman, Weaving the Threads of a European Legal Order
Enzo Cannizzaro, Nine Theses on Autonomy: Making Sense of a Controversial Doctrine
Jakob Rendl, The Sphere of Intervention: EU Law Supranationalism and the Concept of International Treaty
Justin Lindeboom, Federal Autonomy and Legal Theory in US Antebellum Constitutionalism: A View from Europe
Damjan Kukovec, Autonomy: The Central Idea of the Reasoning of the Court of Justice
Jacob van de Beeten, On Metaphor and Meaning: The Autonomy of EU Legal Order Through the Lens of Project and System
Christina Eckes, The Autonomy of the EU Legal Order: The Case of the Energy Charter Treaty
Koen Lenaerts and José A. Gutiérrez-Fons, Epilogue. High Hopes: Autonomy and the Identity of the EU


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