The Second Republic of Europe


The celebrated work of Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, opens with a concise yet terse sentence: “[a]ll states and governments that ever ruled over men have been either republics or monarchies”. This blunt sentence summarises, in a nutshell, the two dilemmas of the political thought of the antiquities: the dilemma about the form of government and the dilemma about...

A Verfassungsbeschwerde for the European Union?


In contemporary systems of human rights protection the right to an effective remedy is acquiring a prominent place. It is, indeed, the right of the rights, as no right can be qualified as such unless it is assisted by an effective remedy. The effectiveness of the remedy is thus the indispensable instrument which complements every right, regardless of its nature and rank....

Convulsive Direct Effect?


In spite of overflowing case law and an incessant scholarly debate, the doctrine of direct effect still delivers fresh surprises. The last in time is a mysterious tripartite statement included in Thelen Technopark ECLI:EU:C:2022:33 (commented by J Lindeboom, ‘Thelen Technopark and the Legal Effects of the Services Directive in Purely Internal and Horizontal Disputes...

Europe at War


On the 1st of March, speaking in front of the European Parliament, the President of the European Commission, Ms. Von der Leyen, delivered an engaging statement: “our Union, for the first time ever, is using the European budget to purchase and deliver military equipment to a country that is under attack” (European Commission, Speech by President von der Leyen at...

Sovereign Within the Union? The Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Struggle for European Values


On 6 October 2021, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal (CT) delivered its much-awaited ruling in case K 3/21. The Tribunal declared the unconstitutionality of arts 1, 2 and 19 TEU inasmuch as they require that national judges discard the Polish legislation on the organisation of the judiciary; in particular, those provisions which, in the view of the CJEU, place the Polish...

European Integration Through International Law? The Strange Story of the Global Tax Project


Day after day, the project to reform the current worldwide accepted system of corporate taxation is taking shape, commonly referred to as the global tax project.

At the beginning of March, a deal to back this project was reached within the G7. This informal agreement was upheld by the G7 Finance Ministers meeting on June 5, 2021, in London. In the...

Neither Representation nor Values? Or, “Europe’s Moment” – Part II


Part I of this Editorial dealt with the interrelation between representation and taxation reflected in the measures adopted or envisaged by the EU institutions to face the COVID-19 pandemic. It argued that a more courageous approach in each phase of this virtuous circle could have significantly enhanced the legitimacy of the Union as an entity expressing the...

Neither Representation nor Taxation? Or, “Europe’s Moment” – Part I


The philosophical implication of the abused formula “no taxation without representation”, or, in medieval terms “nullum scutagium nisi per commune consilium” can hardly be overshadowed. It underlies a conception of social organisation which departs from the Hobbesian paradigm, based on the unconditioned devolution to an absolute sovereign of all the prerogatives...

“Getting Brexit Done”: It Is Just the Beginning, not the End


After 47 years of membership, the United Kingdom has left the European Union at the end of January 2020. Boris Johnson, the UK’s Prime Minister and prominent, if not accidental, face of the Vote Leave camp was at freedom to strike a gong and tick a box on his “to do” list. According to Downing Street 10, Brexit was done and dusted, exactly as promised during the election...

The European Parliament at the First Crusade


On 21 October 2019, in a piece published on Verfassungsblog, twenty-nine influential experts in European affairs have harshly rebuked the European Parliament for rejecting the nomination of Sylvie Goulard to the new European Commission (Fairness, Trust and the Rule of Law: Statement on the European Parliament’s confirmation procedure concerning Sylvie...



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