The 2019 Elections and the Future Role of the European Parliament: Upsetting the Institutional Balance?


The elections of May 26 have been welcomed with a sense of relief by the inhabitants of the European districts in Brussels and Strasbourg. If, on the eve of the elections’ day, the dominant mood was fear of a euro-sceptic landslide, that would have deepened the cleavage between peoples and elites and shaken at its roots the process of integration, this mood has gradually...

Extra Unionem Nulla Salus? The UK Withdrawal and the European Constitutional Moment


It is possible that the 29th of March 2019 will be considered as the date on which the Union has ceased to be a quarrelsome community of sovereign States and has become a community of destiny.

This may well occur if, on that date, EU law will cease to apply to the UK, thus transforming the withdrawal of that State into a disorderly and...

Fundamental Values and Fundamental Disagreement in Europe


On 12 September 2018, two events occurred, both with considerable legal and political implications, and seemingly inspired by different conceptions about the role of European fundamental values and principles.

The first event is a resolution adopted by the European Parliament – on the basis of a large majority – calling upon the Council to determine...

The Iran Nuclear Deal and the Future of the European Foreign Policy


Among the reactions to the decision of the US Presidency to withdraw from the Joint and Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – a conventional scheme agreed upon in 2015 by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the E3/EU+3 group, namely (China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, with the High Representative of the European Union...

Winter Is Coming. The Polish Woodworm Games


The political developments in Poland, which took place in course of the past two years, have brought very chilling eastern winds to Brussels. In a relatively short period of time, one of the success stories of economic (and seemingly of political) transformation and the EU enlargement policy has become a pariah and a tough cookie to crack for the many across Europe. The...

The Thousand Cataluñas of Europe


Irrespective of the perspective from which one looks at the Catalonian events, which are still unfolding under our incredulous eyes, the impression can only be univocal: Spain is right and Catalonia is wrong. The claim of the Spanish Government to preserve the unity of the nation is well founded; conversely, the independence proclaimed by the Catalonian Government amounts to...

Towards a Uniform Standard of Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe?


The multiplicity of systems of protection of fundamental rights is certainly a badge of honour for Europe. At present, there are no less than three general instruments of protection applicable to the territories of the Member States: the European Convention of human rights, the Charter of fundamental rights and the plethora of national bills of rights. Their coexistence,...

Enforcing the Rule of Law in the EU. In the Name of Whom?


Astonishment seized Europe when, at the beginning of October 2016, Viktor Orban organised a referendum that explicitly aimed at violating EU law. On Thursday 27 October, the three-month deadline the Commission had imposed upon Poland to address what it saw as systemic threats against the rule of law in the country, expired.[1]...

Brexit Referendum: Beginning of the End or Just a Turning Point?


The basic facts are well known by now. On 23 June 2016 the voters, by a slim majority, decided that the United Kingdom (UK) should leave the European Union. This has been a major earthquake with political and economic aftershocks going beyond the white cliffs of Dover. They are destined to continue for months, if not years. For the first time in history of the European...

Disintegration Through Law?


This is certainly not the most propitious time to publish a Journal “on Law and Integration”. The Zeitgeist is captured by the European Council in its recent meeting of 18 and 19 February, where it stated that the reference to an “ever closer Europe”, a formula which resounds in every founding instrument from Rome to Lisbon, has no interpretative effect; the...


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