Beyond the Assimilation Principle: Enhanced Protection of the EU’s Financial Interest vis-à-vis National Interests in Italy


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Protecting European financial interests moving beyond the assimilation principle: some examples and their implications from the criminal law perspective. – III. “Beyond” or “below” the assimilation principle with the NRRP? The administrative law point of view. – III.1. Are European standards steering the...

Introduction to the Special Section: The Shape-Shifting Definition of the EU’s Financial Interest and its Protection in Contemporary Europe


Abstract: In just a few years, the concept of protecting the EU’s financial interests has become strategic and fundamental to understanding the economic and financial structure of the European legal system. But it is also essential in navigating the changes to constitutional, administrative, and criminal law that have marked the system following the...

Cities’ Legal Actions in the EU: Towards a Stronger Urban Power?


Abstract: The case discussed is an example of how cities can have an independent role in EU governance. In 2016, the cities of Madrid, Brussels and Paris brought actions before the General Court (Art. 263 TFEU), asking for the annulment of Regulation 646/2016, as regards emissions from Euro 6 vehicles. De facto, the Commission changed the...


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