Confiance mutuelle, reconnaissance mutuelle et crise de valeurs: la difficile équation entre justice pénale européenne et diversité nationale


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. La confiance mutuelle face aux violations des valeurs européennes. – II.1. La mise en place de la confiance mutuelle dans la coopération judiciaire pénale comme base constitutionnelle de la reconnaissance mutuelle. – II.2. L’exception d’ordre public à la reconnaissance mutuelle: entre ordre public national...

Rebuttal of Mutual Trust and Mutual Recognition in Criminal Matters: Is ‘Exceptional’ Enough?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The conditionality of mutual trust in EU criminal law. – II.1. From presumption to conditionality. – II.2. The fundamental right’s condition for mutual trust in criminal matters. – II.3. Condition without control? – III. “Trust is good, control is better”: the judicial refutability of mutual trust. – IV...

Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust: Reinforcing EU Integration? Introduction


Abstract: Throughout the years the principle of mutual recognition and the underlying principle of mutual trust have greatly contributed to the EU integration process. The recent migration and terrorist crises that have stroke the Union and its Member States with full force have placed the individual and the respect for fundamental rights in the...


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