“Clash of Titans”. General Principles of EU Law: Balancing and Horizontal Direct Effect


Abstract: More than 10 years after the first ruling on the horizontal effect of the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of age, in the Dansk Industri case (Court of Justice, judgment of 19 April 2016, Dansk Industri (DI), Acting on Behalf of Ajos A/S v. Estate of Karsten Eigil Rasmussen, case C-441/14 [GC]) the CJEU...

Ancora sulla portata e gli effetti dell’art. 267 TFUE. In margine al caso Puligienica


Abstract: In its judgment of 5 April 2016, in Puligienica, the CJEU extended to the relationship between the chambers and the plenary session of the supreme administrative court of a Member State its previous case-law on the national courts’ discretion to request a preliminary ruling notwithstanding, under national legislation, they are...

Interpretazione dei Trattati istitutivi dell’UE: quale ruolo per le decisioni assunte in sede di Consiglio europeo?


Abstract: At the meeting of 18 and 19 February 2016, the European Council adopted a decision aimed at determining the interpretation of the “ever closer Union” clause contained in the founding Treaties and their preambles. The present Insight will deal with the effect of European Council’s decisions, and of agreements concluded in...

Nouveaux enseignements jurisprudentiels sur la notion de juridiction en droit de l'Union européenne


Abstract: In a recent ruling, the Court of Justice of the European Union has taken the opportunity to clarify what is to be understood as being a “jurisdiction” according to EU law. More specifically, this case was the occasion for the Court to determine whether or not a national referring body whose jurisdiction was considered as an alternative one...

Basi giuridiche supplementari, derivate e... abrogate? La Corte di giustizia conferma la validità della decisione che integra l’elenco di partner internazionali di Europol


Abstract: The comment focuses on three issues addressed by the ECJ in case C-363/14, European Parliament v. Council, concerning the validity of an implementing decision adopted on 6 May 2014, which amended the list of Europol’s international partners. The first issue concerns the choice of the legal basis for the decision. The second issue...

La sentenza della Corte di giustizia nel caso Orizzonte Salute e il sistema italiano di contributi unificati cumulativi nei ricorsi in materia di appalti pubblici: ogni persona, che possa permetterselo, ha diritto di accesso alla giustizia?


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the recent judgment of the Court of Justice in Orizzonte Salute (case C-61/14). The Court was asked to clarify whether EU Law – more particularly Art. 1 of Directive 89/665/EEC of the Council on the coordination of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of...

Tribunal: une réforme du statut de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne en demi-teinte


Abstract: Approved at the end of an arduous legislative procedure, the reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union both surprises and puzzles (Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2015/2422 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 amending Protocol No 3). Conceived to resolve the growing overload of the General...

Una base giuridica “onnicomprensiva” per l’adozione di misure specifiche nei confronti delle regioni ultraperiferiche. In margine alla sentenza sul caso Mayotte


Keywords: Outermost Regions – legal basis – application of the Treaties – derogations – scope ratione materiae.

Fra i problemi interpretativi che sorgono in relazione all’art. 349 del Trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea (TFUE)[1] – disposizione che attribuisce all’Unione il potere...

La banalisation de la remise en question de l’autorité de la chose jugée d’une décision juridictionnelle nationale en matière d’aides d’État


Keywords: State aid – res judicata – procedural autonomy – equivalence – effectiveness – legal certainty – final administrative act.

Dans l’affaire Klausner Holz sur renvoi du tribunal régional de Münster en Allemagne,[1] un prestataire avait obtenu en justice le maintien des effets...

Treading on Whose Toes? Europol, the European Parliament and the Limits of Parliamentary Control and Accountability


Keywords: institutional balance – foreign affairs – European Parliament – CJEU – Europol.

The recent decision of the Court of Justice Parliament v. Council (case C-363/14)[1] concerned a challenge by the European Parliament (EP), who sought the annulment of Council Implementing...



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