Quand l’urgence de santé publique fait son entrée parmi les catastrophes en droit de l’UE


Abstract: In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, EU’s reaction is mixed. It partly takes the form of a financial assistance to the Member States. Many funds are mobilized, for example the European Union Solidarity Fund which was set up to respond to major natural disasters and express European solidarity to EU countries and countries involved in...

Citizenship, Coronavirus and Questions of Competence


Abstract: Restrictions on movement imposed in all Member States have necessarily resulted in a restriction of free movement rights of Union citizens, albeit in an incidental manner. These restrictions are nonetheless facilitated by the relevant provisions of primary and secondary law. This is appropriate in light of the multi-level system of...

Poland Before the Court of Justice: Limitless or Limited Case Law on Art. 19 TEU?


Abstract: In 2019, the Court of Justice has ruled in an innovative case on the protection of the independence of Member States’ judiciaries. In two judgments, delivered in June and November, the Court declared that several statutes amending the organisation of the Polish judicial system infringed the second subparagraph of Art. 19, para. 1, TEU...

Had Coudenhove-Kalergi’s Pan-Europa Foreseen the United Kingdom’s Nationalist Hour (Brexit)?


Keywords: Brexit – nationalism – cosmopolitanism – democracy – national sovereignty – European Union.

The Cynic Diogenes of Sinope saw himself as a citizen of the world (a cosmopolitis); he believed that one’s local origin and group membership could not extricate his/her moral affiliation with more universal...

Sugli effetti della violazione di obblighi procedurali sostanziali: in margine alla sentenza Airbnb


Abstract: The Insight focuses on the judgement delivered by the Court of Justice on 19 December 2019 in case C-390/18, Airbnb Ireland. The analysis will be mainly conducted with a view to exploring the notion of essential procedural requirement, developed in the previous case law, and the legal consequences flowing from this notion...

A New European Fundamental Rights Court: The German Constitutional Court on the Right to Be Forgotten


Abstract: This Insight concerns two judgments of the German Federal Constitutional Court from 6 November 2019, Right to be Forgotten I and II. The judgments present an overhaul of the Court’s own positioning within the system of EU multilevel fundamental rights adjudication and bring substantial novelties to the EU law...

Cities’ Legal Actions in the EU: Towards a Stronger Urban Power?


Abstract: The case discussed is an example of how cities can have an independent role in EU governance. In 2016, the cities of Madrid, Brussels and Paris brought actions before the General Court (Art. 263 TFEU), asking for the annulment of Regulation 646/2016, as regards emissions from Euro 6 vehicles. De facto, the Commission changed the...

The Rule of Law Crisis Deepens in Poland after A.K. v. Krajowa Rada Sadownictwa and CP, DO v. Sad Najwyzszy


Abstract: The Insight analyses the recent judgment of the Court of Justice in joined cases C-585/18, C-624/18 and C-625/1, A.K. v. Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa and CP, DO v. Sąd Najwyższy, hereafter A.K. and Others. The ruling has had considerable impact on the crisis of the rule of law in Poland and the note evaluates its...

L’illégalité de la suspension du Parlement britannique demandée par Boris Johnson: la décision du 24 septembre 2019 rendue par la Cour suprême britannique


Keywords: Brexit – prorogation – constitutional convention – Supreme Court – parliamentary sovereignty – parliamentary democracy.

“Crucially, today’s ruling confirms that we are a nation governed by the rule of law, laws that everyone, even the Prime Minister, are subject to” a déclaré Gina Miller à la sortie...



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