

In an earlier issue, European Papers hosted a comment by Eva Kassoti on the Court of Justice’s decision in case C-104/16 P, Council of the European Union v. Front Polisario.

The comment has triggered a number of reactions, some of which requesting that the critical points it made be counterbalanced by different views. Aware of the...

“Self-determination at the European Courts: The Front Polisario Case” or “The Unintended Awakening of a Giant”


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Some factual elements of the Western Sahara dispute. – III. The Association Agreement and the proceeding before the General Court in the Case T-512/12. – IV. The Court of Justice judgment of 21 December 2016. – V. The right to self-determination and the Front Polisario case. – VI....

Front Polisario and the Exploitation of Natural Resources by the Administrative Power


Table of Contents: I. The EU judiciary faced with the exploitation of natural resources in Western Sahara. – II. Administrative powers and the exploitation of natural resources in non-self-governing territories. – III. “Grey areas” and unsettled issues. – IV. Of the uncertainty principle and of Voelkerrecthsfreundlichkeit...

Front Polisario: A Step Forward in Judicial Review of International Agreements by the Court of Justice?


Table of Contents: Preliminary remarks: judicial review of international agreements between self-restraint and judicial activism. – II. The decision of the General Court in Front Polisario and the procedural approach. – III. The substantive approach in the decision of the Court of Justice in Front Polisario. – IV....

L’Union européenne et la question du Sahara: entre la reconnaissance de la souveraineté du Maroc et les errements de la justice européenne


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. La reconnaissance par l’Union européenne de la souveraineté du Maroc sur le Sahara. – II.1. La reconnaissance par l’Union européenne de la souveraineté du Maroc sur le Sahara à travers une série d’accords internationaux, dont l’accord de partenariat. – II.2. La reconnaissance par l’Union européenne de la...

Introduction: The New Frontiers of EU Administrative Law and the Scope of Our Inquiry


Table of Contents: I. The EU as a global administrative actor. – II. Development of EU administrative law and external relations: setting the scene. – III. Administrative action as instrumental action in external relations. – IV. Accountability: actors, fora and different types of act. – V. Mapping administrative action in EU external...

The External Administrative Layer of EU Law-making: International Decisions in EU Law and the Case of CETA


Table of Contents: I. The international regulation of public goods: legal challenges. – II. International decisions by CETA bodies. – III. Decisions of international bodies: a source of EU law. – IV. The external administrative layer of EU law. – IV.1. Interpretative effects: validating EU law. – IV.2. Authoritative international decisions. – IV.3....

The Extraterritorial Reach of EU Environmental Law and Access to Justice by Third Country Actors


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The legal phenomenon of IEMEIs. – II.1. IEMEIs regulating conduct abroad on the basis of environmental regulatory requirements. – II.2. IEMEIs regulating trade: market access conditions and obligations on Third Country actors. – II.3. Compliance with IEMEIs: “contingent unilateralism”, equivalence and...



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