L’affaire Indépendance de la Cour suprême devant la Cour de justice: réflexions sur “l’indispensable liberté des juges”


Abstract: The Court of Justice recently delivered its June 2019 judgment in Commission v. Poland (24 June 2019, case C-619/18, Independence of the Supreme Court [GC]). The Court upheld the principle of effective judicial protection embodied in Art. 19 TEU, building on its previous February 2018 judgment in Associação Sindical...

Towards Common Minimum Standards for Whistleblower Protection Across the EU


Abstract: This Insight describes the content of the Proposal for a Directive on the protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law, approved with amendments by the European Parliament and formally adopted by the Council on 7th October 2019. The Directive, which will now be formally signed and published in the...

Do Employers Need to Record Working Time? The Court of Justice Gives Guidance in Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) v. Deutsche Bank SAE


Keywords: working time – rest breaks – health and safety – Charter – record-keeping – control.

Do employers need to keep a record of workers’ actual hours worked? The Court of Justice had the opportunity to provide an answer in Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) v. Deutsche Bank SAE....

Bold, but Without Justification? Tjebbes


Abstract: Tjebbes (Court of Justice, judgment of 12 March 2019, case C-221/17 [GC]) builds on and extends the scope of a line of existing cases that has started to redefine the relationship between EU citizenship and Member State nationality. This Insight inquires on which legal grounds the Court of Justice could justify its bold...

The Tjebbes Fail


Abstract: This Insight briefly analyses ten most significant untenable assumptions underlying the Court of Justice’s ruling in Tjebbes (judgment of 12 March 2019, case C-221/17 [GC]), where the Court departed from earlier case-law by essentially tolerating the annulment of EU citizenship ex lege as a result of a non-...

Jurisdiction in Matters of Parental Responsibility Between Legal Certainty and Children’s Fundamental Rights


Abstract: The impact of the protection of fundamental rights is a factor of increasing importance for the interpretation of EU private international law. In matters of parental responsibility, the application of the rules on jurisdictional competence contained in the Regulation (EC) 2201/2003 can have a significant bearing on the rights of the child...

Cordella et al. v. Italy: Industrial Emissions and Italian Omissions Under Scrutiny


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 24 January 2019, Cordella et al. v. Italy (joint applications n. 54414/13 and n. 54264/15), marking an important step in the judicial saga of the Ilva steel plant in Taranto. The Court unanimously established Italy’s responsibility in failing to...

Une analyse critique de l’arrêt Coman: déconstruction de la consécration de l’obligation de reconnaissance du droit de séjour du conjoint homosexuel


Abstract: The Coman case (judgment of 5 June 2018, case C-673/16, Coman and Others [GC]) gave the CJEU the occasion to clarify the existence under EU law of an obligation to recognize the indirect right of residence – according to Art. 21 TFEU – of the spouse of a same-sex marriage. The reasoning of the CJEU is based on the...

La direttiva 2017/1371 e l’armonizzazione della prescrizione nei reati di frode fiscale: una possibile soluzione al conflitto tra Corti sorto dalla vicenda Taricco


Abstract: This Insight focuses on a – apparently overlooked – passage of the decision M.A.S and M.B. (judgment of 5 December 2017, case C-42/17 [GC], or Taricco II), referring to the Directive 2017/1371. The Court of Justice seemingly assumes that the Directive imposes to the Member States to consider criminal limitations...

Shedding Light on the Protective Regime for Unaccompanied Minors Under the Family Reunification Directive: The Case of A and S


Abstract: Family reunification constitutes one of the most pressing human rights issues for refugees, who are especially unaccompanied minors. Yet, the practical effectiveness of such a right is not always adequately ensured. Drawing from the recent decision of the Court of Justice in A and S (judgment of 12 April 2018, case C-550/16), the...



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