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European Papers is pleased to announce that its Issue No 2 in the Volume 2, 2017 is now available online....
European Papers is pleased to announce that its Issue No 2 in the Volume 2, 2017 is now available online....
In 2018 the University of Salamanca will celebrate its eighth centenary. This Workshop forms part of a wider set of international conferences and events that will be organised on that occasion in Salamanca focused on current international challenges. The event will focus on the main issues and challenges inherent to...
Co-sponsored by the Universities of Rome “Unitelma Sapienza” and “La Sapienza”, and under the auspices of European Papers – A Journal on Law and Integration, the Conference on “Fundamental Guarantees in European Judicial Proceedings: Coexistence, Comparison and Conflicts Among Legal...
European Papers is pleased to announce that its Issue No 1 in the Volume 2, 2017 is now available online....
The Workshop on “The New Frontiers of EU Administrative Law: Is There an Accountability Gap in EU External Relations?” will take place at the Faculy of Law of the University of Helsinki, on 19 and 20 June 2017, and is organized by Marise Cremona and...
The Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Action of the University of Salamanca organises in cooperation with CEPS a Workshop on "The External Dimensions of EU Migration Policies: Effectiveness, Fairness and Rule of Law Reconsidered" , under the direction of Profs Juan Santos Vara (University of Salamanca) and Sergio Carrera (CEPS/
...Year of foundation: 2016
Official first release date: 29 April 2016
ISSN: 2499-8249
doi: 10.15166/2499-8249/...
The Conference on The limits of mutual trust and mutual recognition will take place at Utrecht University, on June 9, 2017, from 13:00 until 18:00, and is organized by dr. Ton...
À chaque génération sa vision de l’intégration européenne, mais peut-être aussi des institutions et du droit qui l’accompagnent. Passée l’euphorie des premières années, voire des premières décennies, l’Union semble engluée dans une crise perpétuelle, dont la jeune génération a été le témoin privilégié. Elle est aussi celle qui bénéficie des politiques de l’Union, tel Erasmus...