European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 1, 2016, No 1

Disintegration Through Law?
A Disintegration of European Studies?
Christian Joerges
The Passion and the Spirit: Albert Camus as Moral Politician
Jan Klabbers
The Limping Legitimacy of EU Lawmaking: A Barrier to Integration
Carol Harlow
Decentralised Integration? Fundamental Rights Protection in the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy
Christophe Hillion
Secessions from EU Member States: The Imperative of Union’s Neutrality
Dimitry Kochenov and Martijn van den Brink
On the Agenda: The Refugee Crisis and European Integration
A Global Solution to a Global Refugee Crisis
James C. Hathaway
Refugees, the European Union and the ‘Dublin System’. The Reasons for a Crisis
Bruno Nascimbene
The Distribution of Powers Between EU Institutions for Conducting External Affairs through Non-Binding Instruments
Paula García Andrade
Public Procurement, Social Policy and Minimum Wage Regulation for Posted Workers: Towards a More Balanced Socio-Economic Integration Process?
Clemens Kaupa
Schengen, Differentiated Integration and Cooperation with the ‘Outs’
Alberto Miglio
European Forum
Insights and Highlights
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