European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 2, 2017, No 1

Towards a Uniform Standard of Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe?
In Search of a Role to Play: The EU and the War in Syria
Steven Blockmans
Europe and Syria: Diplomacy, Law and War
Mary Ellen O’Connell
The Council v. Front Polisario Case: The Court of Justice’s Selective Reliance on International Rules on Treaty Interpretation (Second Part)
Eva Kassoti
The Child’s Right to Be Heard in the Brussels System
Benedetta Ubertazzi
Special Section - Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust: Reinforcing EU Integration? (Second Part)
edited by Tony Marguery and Ton van den Brink
Mutual Trust Before the Court of Justice of the European Union
Sacha Prechal
Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust in the Internal Market
Nathan Cambien
The Interaction Between Mutual Trust, Mutual Recognition and Fundamental Rights in Private International Law in Relation to the European Union’s Aspirations Relating to Contractual Relations
Jessy Emaus
“Only You”: The Emergence of a Temperate Mutual Trust in the AFSJ and Its Underpinning in the European Composite Constitutional Order
Luisa Marin
On the Agenda: Brexit and Beyond
Art. 50 TEU: A Well-Designed Secession Clause
Mauro Gatti
Scotland’s Place in Europe After Brexit: Between a Rock and a Hard Place?
Tobias Lock
A Question of Jurisdiction: Art. 267 TFEU Preliminary References of a CFSP Nature
Graham Butler
Aleksei Petruhhin: Extradition of EU Citizens to Third States
Alla Pozdnakova
“Clash of Titans” 2.0. From Conflicting EU General Principles to Conflicting Jurisdictional Authorities: The Court of Justice and the Danish Supreme Court in the Dansk Industri Case
Elena Gualco
European Forum
Insights and Highlights
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