European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 4, 2019, No 3

“Getting Brexit Done”: It Is Just the Beginning, not the End
How Citizenship Divides: The New Legal Class of Transnational Europeans
Gareth Davies
Rule of Law Conditionality in EU Funds: The Value of Money in the Crisis of European Values
Marco Fisicaro
EU Agencies and the Issue of Delegation: Conferral, Implied Powers and the State of Exception
Elio Maciariello
Special Section – What's in a Name? The Psagot Judgment and Questions of Labelling of Settlement Products
edited by Eva Kassoti and Stefano Saluzzo
The CJEU’s Judgment in Organisation juive européenne and Vignoble Psagot: Some Introductory Remarks
Eva Kassoti and Stefano Saluzzo
Misinterpreting Mislabelling: The Psagot Ruling
Olia Kanevskaia
Contextualisation of Psagot in Light of Other CJEU Case Law on Occupied Territories
Sandra Hummelbrunner
Indications of Settlement Provenance and the Duty of Non-recognition Under International Law
Cedric Ryngaert
European Forum
Insights and Highlights

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