European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 6, 2021, No 1

European Integration Through International Law? The Strange Story of the Global Tax Project
A New Legal Framework for EU-UK Relations: Some Reflections from the Perspective of EU External Relations Law
Peter Van Elsuwege
Activating Ultra Vires Review: The German Federal Constitutional Court Decides Weiss
Georgios Anagnostaras
The Constraints of Power Structures on EU Integration and Regulation of Military Procurement
Nathan Meershoek
Using the Historical Archives of the EU to Study Cases of CJEU – First Part
edited by Marise Cremona, Claire Kilpatrickand Joanne Scott
The Court of Justice in the Archives: Introduction
Marise Cremona, Claire Kilpatrick and Joanne Scott
The Court of Justice in the Archives Project: An Initial Reflection
Antoine Vauchez
Meroni Behind the Scenes: Uncovering the Actors and Context of a Landmark Judgment
Maria Patrin
Consten and Grundig and the Inception of an EU Competition Law
Grigorios Bacharis
ERTA and Us: Shifting Constitutional Equilibria on the Visions of Europe
Alessandro Petti
Procureur du Roi v Dassonville: The Judicial Dossier Behind the Measure Equivalent to Trade Restriction Formula
Justine Muller
Caught in the (Red)act: Insights from the Van Duyn Dossier
Rebecca Munro and Rebecca Williams
Opinion 1/17: Between European and International Perspectives
edited by Mads Andenas, Cristina Contartese, Luca Pantaleo and Tarjei Bekkedal
Opinion 1/17 and Its Themes: An Overview
Cristina Contartese and Mads Andenas
Opinion 1/17: Autonomy of EU Legal Order and the Conflicting Context of International Investment Arbitration
Antonis Metaxas
The Legacy of Opinion 1/17: To What Extent Is the Autonomous EU Legal Order Open to New Generation ISDS?
Arman Melikyan
Between Fiction and Reality: The External Autonomy of EU Law as a "Shapeshifter" After Opinion 1/17
Szilárd Gáspár-Szilágyi
Litigating Human Rights Disputes Against the EU and the Member States: Some Reflections in Light of Opinion 1/17
Luca Pantaleo and Fabienne Ufert
Autonomy or Unity? Investment Protection (ISDS) and the Principle of Equality Before the Law
Tarjei Bekkedal
Article 47 of the Charter in the Opinion Procedure: Some Reflections Following Opinion 1/17
Eleftheria Neframi
Investment Court Judges and the 'Right to an Independent Tribunal': An Assessment of the Qualification and Ethics Rules in EU FTAs in Light of Opinion 1/17
Günes Ünüvar
Towards European Criminal Procedural Law – Second Part
edited by Araceli Turmo
Les garanties procédurales offertes à la défense face au Parquet européen
Louise Seiler
The Belgian Juge d'Instruction and the EPPO Regulation: (Ir)reconcilable?
Ana Laura Claes, Anne Werding and Vanessa Franssen
Le parquet européen: perspectives suisses
Maria Ludwiczak Glassey
Existe-t-il des garanties européennes relatives à la protection de la vie privée dans le Cadre de l’enquête pénale?
Maxime Lassalle
La proposition e-evidence: révélatrice des limites de l’émergence d’une procédure pénale européenne ou compromis nécessaire?
Hélène Christodoulou, Laetitia Gaurier and Alice Mornet
Private Life, Personal Data Protection and the Role of Service Providers: The EU e-Evidence Proposal
Marine Corhay
The Criminal Procedure Out of Itself: A Case Study of the Relationship Between EU Law and Criminal Procedure Using the ETIAS System
Frédérique Michéa, Laurent Rousvoal
EU Criminal Procedural Law onto the Global Stage: The e-Evidence Proposals and Their Interaction with International Developments
Chloé Brière
The Impact of Brexit on EU Criminal Procedural Law: A New Dawn?
Annegret Engel
Shaping the Future of Europe – First Part
edited by Sandra Hummelbrunner, Lando Kirchmair, Benedikt Pirker, Anne-Carlijn Prickartz and Isabel Staudinger
Shaping the Future of Europe: Introduction
Sandra Hummelbrunner, Lando Kirchmair, Benedikt Pirker, Anne-Carlijn Prickartz and Isabel Staudinger
Transparency at the Expense of Equality and Integrity: Present and Future Directions of Lobby Regulation in the European Parliament
Odile Ammann
The European Commission Between Institutional Unity and Functional Diversification: The Case of Economic Governance
Maria Patrin
Enhancing Economic and Social Rights Within the Internal Market Through Recognition of the Horizontal Effects of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights
Matteo Manfredi
Shaping the Future of Europe in Prisons: Challenges and Opportunities
Christos Papachristopoulos
European Forum
Insights and Highlights

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