European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 6, 2021, No 2

Sovereign Within the Union? The Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Struggle for European Values
Reasoning, Interpretation, Authority, Pluralism, and the Weiss/PSPP Saga
Davor Petrić
Creating European Public Spheres: Legitimising EU Law Through a Reconfiguration of European Political Parties
Lennart Laude
In Limbo: Divergent Conceptualisations of Ill-treatment by European Courts and the Creation of Non-removable Migrants
Diego Ginés Martín
The Misleading Consequences of Comparing Algorithmic and Tacit Collusion: Tackling Algorithmic Concerted Practices Under Art. 101 TFEU
Luca Calzolari
Using the Historical Archives of the EU to Study Cases of CJEU – Second Part
edited by Marise Cremona, Claire Kilpatrick and Joanne Scott
The Garden Grows Lusher: Completing the Narratives on Opinion 1/75
Jaja Kukavica
Defrenne v SABENA: A Landmark Case with Untapped Potential
Sarah Tas
Commission v Belgium and Its Dossier de Procédure: A New Resource for Socio-legal Research
Aruna Michiels
The Court of Justice, Genuine Disputes and Jurisdictional Control: Making Sense of Foglia II in Light of Its Dossier
Diego Ginés Martín
A "Europe of Lawyers"? The Making of a Database on Cases and Lawyers of the CJEU
Lola Avril and Constantin Brissaud
Towards a Legal History of European Law
Morten Rasmussen
The Benefits of Time Travel: Harnessing the Potential of the Historical Archives of the Court of Justice for Legal Research
Niamh Nic Shuibhne
Shaping the Future of Europe – Second Part
edited by Sandra Hummelbrunner, Lando Kirchmair, Benedikt Pirker, Anne-Carlijn Prickartz and Isabel Staudinger
The EU Response to Terrorist Content Online: Too Little, (Maybe not) Too Late?
Viviana Sachetti
The ECN+ Directive: An Example of Decentralised Cooperation to Enforce Competition Law
Corinna Potocnik-Manzouri
Reshaping the Future of Europe with Complementary Currencies
Christian Gelleri
Shaping the Future Towards a Solidary Refugee Resettlement in the European Union
Janine Prantl
An Army of Peoples? A Demoicratic Perspective on a Future European Army
Josef Weinzierl
EU Law Against Hybrid Threats: A First Assessment
Luigi Lonardo
European Forum
Insights and Highlights

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