EP-JMN Workshop "The EU after Brexit: New Options for Differentiated Integration?" (28-29 October 2021) – University of Salamanca

The EU after Brexit:
New Options for Differentiated Integration?
28-29 October 2021 – School of Law | University of Salamanca
A Workshop organised by
Prof. Juan Santos Vara, University of Salamanca
Prof. Ramses A. Wessel, University of Groningen
registration is free of charge
15:00 - Walk-in
15:15 - Juan Santos Vara and Ramses A. Wessel – Short Introduction to the Workshop
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Part I: Approaches to European integration and differentiation
15:30-17:30 - Panel I-A
Chair: Polly Polak (University of Salamanca)
Armin Cuyvers (Leiden University) – Brexit and the Future of Differentiated Integration: Understanding the Sources of Rigidity
Robert Böttner (University of Erfurt) – The EU after Brexit: New Options for Differentiated Integration?
Fabien Terpan (Sciences Po, Grenoble) – Soft Law and Differentiation in the Post-Brexit Era
18:00-20:00 - Panel I-B
Chair: Federico Casolari (University of Bologna)
Maria Kendrick (City, University of London) – Brexit the Ultimate Opt-out [online]
Ton van den Brink and Michael Hübner (Utrecht University) – Accommodating Diversity through Legislative Differentiation: an Untapped Potential and an Unseen Reality?
Marija Vlajkovic and Jelisaveta Tasev (University of Belgrade) – External Differentiation and EU Values and Principles after Brexit
Andrea Ott (Maastricht University) – The Differentiation between Internal and External Differentiation: Making Sense and Being Justified?
Friday, 29 October 2021
Part II: Differentiated Integration in Specific Policy Areas
09:00-11:00 - Panel II-A
Chair: Jerónimo Maillo (University CEU-San Pablo, Madrid)
Federico Fabbrini (Brexit Institute, Dublin) – EU Differentiation in the Future of Europe
Juan Santos Vara (University of Salamanca) – Differentiated Integration in EU Asylum Policy
Shawn Donnelly (University of Twente) – Brexit and Differentiated Integration of Europe’s Capital Markets
Alan Hervé (Sciences Po Rennes) – The TCA Compared with other EU FTAs and Prospects for the Future Relationship: A Legal Analysis
11:30-13:30 - Panel II-B
Chair: Natividad Fernández Sola (University of Zaragoza)
Benjamin Martill and Monika Sus (University of Edinburgh and Hertie School Berlin) – Growing Apart Together? Brexit and the Dynamics of Differentiated Integration in Security and Defence
Jan Wouters (University of Leuven) and Ramses Wessel (University of Groningen) – Brexit and the Drive Towards a more Effective CFSP/CSDP
Beatriz Cózar Murillo (University of Cadiz) – PESCO as a Game-changer for Differentiated Integration in CFSP after Brexit
Allan F. Tatham (University CEU-San Pablo, Madrid) – Learning to Play by the Rules’: Modalities for Ensuring Compliance with the Union’s Values before Accession
Call for Papers
Prof. Juan Santos Vara (Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Action, University of Salamanca) and Prof. Ramses A. Wessel (University of Groningen) welcome submissions of papers proposals for the Workshop on "The EU after Brexit: New Options for Differentiated Integration?", that will take place at the Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Salamanca, on 28-29 October 2021.
The aim of the Workshop is to assess the implications of Brexit for European integration. While part of the scholarship sees Brexit as a tragedy for the European integration process, others have pointed to possible advantages that would allow for further integration in certain areas. In any case, Brexit seems to have triggered a new debate on the ways in which the EU Member States could proceed, together or in smaller groups. In that sense the current debates reflect the earlier discussions on a geometrie variable or concentric circles. Apart from assessing theoretical, conceptual implications of Brexit for integration scenarios, the Workshop will address different policy areas and highlight options and obstacles to provide input to the Conference on the Future of Europe that was officially launched on the 9 May 2021 - 71 years after the signing of the Schuman Declaration and 76 years after the end of the Second World War. The Conference on the Future of Europe will open a new space for debate with citizens to address Europe’s challenges and priorities. Since its creation, the European Union has faced multiple challenges. With the COVID19 pandemic, the European Union’s unique model was challenged like never before.
Papers can be submitted on various topics related to the implications of Brexit for European integration, including: a) Theoretical approaches to European integration and differentiation; b) Integration/differentiation on EU principles and values; c) Integration/differentiation in the internal market; d) Integration/differentiation in CFSP/CSDP; d) Integration/differentiation in the AFSJ; e) Integration/differentiation in environmental/climate policy.
Interested researchers (in every stage of their careers) should submit an English abstract of around 500 words (approximately one page), along with their name, e-mail and affiliation, addressing the Workshop theme at savajuan@usal.es or r.a.wessel@rug.nl no later than 30 June 2021.
Papers proposals will be subject to a strict selection, in order to be suitable for being collected in a Special Section and published in a next Issue of European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration. The selection of the papers will be communicated to the proponents by the end of July 2021.
Confirmed participants are expected to provide complete drafts of their papers of around 8000 words no later than 20 October 2021.
The Workshop is scheduled for 28-29 October 2021, the Jean Monnet Network European Papers: A Journal on Law and Integration (Project Reference: 610707-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-NETWORK) will cover travel costs as well local expenses for the selected participants, including accommodation in Salamanca. The event can also be followed online through Zoom.
For further details, see the full Call for Papers.
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