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A Question of Jurisdiction: Art. 267 TFEU Preliminary References of a CFSP Nature


Abstract: Can the Court of Justice of the European Union assert jurisdiction and provide a national court with an interpretation of Union law in a case referred to it from a national court under an Art. 267 TFEU preliminary reference, when the subject matter is in regard to the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)? This was one of a number of...

Inter-Environnement Expanded: Another Brick Out of the Wall of EU Law Supremacy?


Abstract: In Association France Nature Environnement (judgment of 28 July 2016, case C-379/15), the Court of Justice dealt with two issues. First, is it possible for national courts to limit the effects of a judicial decision annulling national law contrary to EU law in the field of environmental protection? Second, are national courts...

L’obbligo (flessibile) di rinvio pregiudiziale e i possibili fattori di un suo irrigidimento. Riflessioni in margine alla sentenza Association France Nature Environnement


Abstract: In its judgement of 28 July 2016 (case C-41/11, Inter-Environnement Wallonie e Terre wallonne), the CJEU confirmed its settled case law concerning the interpretation of Art. 267, para. 3, TFEU. Indeed, since CILFIT, the CJEU has allowed national courts of last instance to solve by themselves interpretative problems in the...

Mixity in EU Foreign Trade Policy Is Here to Stay: Advocate General Sharpston on the Allocation of Competence for the Conclusion of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement


Abstract: It has been two decades since the Court of Justice had the chance to comprehensively assess the scope of the common commercial policy. In Opinion 2/15 on the EU-Singapore free trade agreement (FTA) the Court is now asked to determine how far the EU’s external competence stretches post-Lisbon. Ahead of the decision, AG Sharpston has...

“Clash of Titans” 2.0. From Conflicting EU General Principles to Conflicting Jurisdictional Authorities: The Court of Justice and the Danish Supreme Court in the Dansk Industri Case


Abstract: The present Insight focuses on the reception by the Danish Supreme Court (judgment of 6 December 2016, no. 15/2014, DI acting for Ajos A/S v. The estate left by A.) of the Court of Justice decision in the Dansk Industri case (judgment of 19 April 2016, case C-441/14 [GC]). Instead of disapplying a national...

The Front Polisario v. Council Case: The General Court, Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit and the External Aspect of European Integration (First Part)


Abstract: Over the last few years, the CJEU’s approach to international law has sparked a fierce debate in the literature. More recent case-law has challenged the narrative of the CJEU’s Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit and it has called into question the EU’s carefully cultivated self-image as a global actor with an attitude of respect and...

EU Law and Extradition Agreements of Member States: The Petruhhin Case


Abstract: The Insight analyses the recent judgment of the Court of Justice in the Aleksei Petruhhin v. Latvijas Republikas Ģenerālprokuratūra case (judgment of 6 December 2016, case C-182/15). The preliminary ruling deals with the relationship between EU law and Member States’ extradition agreements with third countries. The...

Denialism as the Supreme Expression of Realism – A Quick Comment on NF v. European Council


Abstract: By Order of 28 February 2017 in case T-192/16, NF v. European Council, the General Court dismissed as inadmissible an action for annulment brought against the s.c. EU-Turkey deal concluded on 18 March 2016. In the view of the General Court, independently of its binding nature, the deal is to be attributed to the Member States and...

A Br-Exit Strategy: Questioning Dualism in the Decision R (Miller) v. The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union


Abstract: The authors offer an alternative reading of the judgment R (Miller) v. The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union focusing on the dualistic v. monistic dichotomy which permeates the High Court’s reasoning. The authors argue that the Court strives for rendering a substantive reading of the relationship between...

CETA and Global Governance Law: What Kind of Model Agreement Is It Really in Law?


Abstract: The EU-Canada Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) provides for the free movement of goods, persons and capital to various degrees and its depth and breadth remain to be seen, as a high profile next generation WTO plus Agreement. CETA may well become a model for future mega regionals, for reasons of its new model and scope. It is quite...



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