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A New Derogation to the Admissibility of an Application in Staff Cases: The Cerafogli Judgment


Keywords: EU staff – pre-litigation procedure – admissibility – plea of illegality – rule of correspondence – amicable settlement.

On 27 October 2016, the Extended Composition of the Appeal Chamber of the GC rendered the judgment in ECB v. Cerafogli.[1]...

Condizione di precarietà ed incertezza dei richiedenti protezione internazionale al vaglio della Corte europea dei diritti umani: in margine al caso B.A.C. c. Grecia


Keywords: protection of the right to private life – torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment – Greek System of International Protection – repatriation – extradition –Turkey.

La recente sentenza B.A.C. c. Grecia[1] ha rappresentato l’occasione per una presa di posizione...

Du vin vieux dans de nouvelles outres? Réflexions sur la proposition de règlement “Dublin IV”


Abstract: The forced migration upsurge in 2015 prompted the recast of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), intended to bring “more Europe” into the integrated management of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. This achievement is deemed to be fundamental by EU institutions, in order to cope with emerging centrifugal forces and to ensure...

License to Presume: The Compatibility Between the European Convention of Human Rights and Security Council Resolutions in Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc v. Switzerland


Abstract: The judgment of the Grand Chamber in Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc. v. Switzerland can be praised as an effort to avoid contradictions between the UN Charter and the European Convention of Human Rights. It is also a reminder that UN Sanctions Committees still fail to meet fair trial standards. However, the...

Tasse ambientali sugli autoveicoli e divieto di imposizioni interne discriminatorie nella sentenza Budisan


Abstract: In its judgment of 9 June 2016, the ECJ ruled on the consistency with Art. 110 TFEU of environmental stamp duties, the Romanian tax on pollutant emissions, with reference to fiscal neutrality as between second-hand motor vehicles imported from other Member States and similar motor vehicles available on the domestic market. The Court...

Theory and Practice of Emissions Trading in the European Union: Some Reflections on Allowance Allocation in Light of the DK Recycling Case


Abstract: In its judgment of 22 June 2016, DK Recycling und Roheisen GmbH v. Commission, the Court of Justice ruled on an appeal brought by a German undertaking operating installations subject to the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), i.e. a “carbon market” where operators trade greenhouse gas emission allowances. At issue in...

EU-Turkey Deal: Violation of, or Consistency with, International Law?


Abstract: This article examines whether the European Union-Turkey deal violates or adheres to international law. In particular, the article examines Turkey as a “safe third country” and seeing whether Turkey complies with the principle of non-refoulement. The article argues that the EU-Turkey deal violates international law in a number of...

Al-Dulimi and Competing Concepts of International Organizations


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the two judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc. v. Switzerland. It discusses the different approaches adopted by the European Court to deal with the responsibility of Member States of international organizations. It contends that the Court...

The EU Solution to Deal with the Dutch Referendum Result on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement


Keywords: EU-Ukraine cooperation – association agreement – Dutch referendum – European Council – mixed agreements – international agreements.

On 6 April 2016 the Dutch population was asked to be voor (in favour) or tegen (against) the act to approve the Association Agreement between the...

Has the Commission Taken Too Big a Bite of the Apple?


Abstract: On 30 August 2016, the European Commission concluded that Ireland granted undue tax benefits of up to Euro 13 billion to Apple and ordered the recovery of the – allegedly – illegal State Aid. This Insight criticises the Commission’s approach in the Apple case as well as in other recent State aid cases. The Commission’s approach is...



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