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La Banque centrale européenne n’est pas responsable des pertes subies par les créanciers privés de la Grèce dans le cadre du plan de restructuration de la dette publique grecque


Abstract: While Greece was suffering from the pressure of the financial markets resulting from the financial crisis and the partial default situation in which it had to struggle, a set of measures was adopted by both the Eurosystem and the Greek legislator. Part of these was the Private sector involvement program and the controversial mechanism it...

Dal marchio comunitario al marchio dell’Unione europea: breve commento al regolamento (UE) n. 2015/2424


Keywords: trade mark – custom seizure – labels – products – protection.

Il 23 marzo 2016 entrerà in vigore il regolamento (UE) n. 2015/2424 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio che modifica il regolamento (CE) n. 207/2009 del Consiglio sul marchio comunitario.

Di seguito saranno...

Again in the Hands of States: A New EU Unfeasible Plan to Face Refugee Crisis? Commission Recommendation for a Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme with Turkey


Keywords: refugee – Turkey – humanitarian admission – admission procedure – secondary movements – subsidiary protection – temporary protection.

Among the efforts made by the European Commission to confront the refugee crisis, one of the last proposals has been to implement a humanitarian admission procedure to...

Lo status del cittadino dell’Unione in cerca di occupazione: un limbo normativo?


Abstract: In Alimanovic (case C-67/14, 15 September 2015) the CJEU ruled that Member States nationals who are job seekers and resident in another MS can be excluded from the entitlement to certain benefits constituting social assistance within the terms of EU law, which are granted to nationals in the same position. The author argues that...

The Distribution of Powers Between EU Institutions for Conducting External Affairs through Non-Binding Instruments


Abstract: The increasing tendency of the EU to resort to non-binding agreements in its external action raises the sensitive and still unclear question of the distribution of powers between EU institutions when adopting them. In light of the post-Lisbon provisions of primary law in the field of external action, this Insight attempts to clarify how to...



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