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Lifting the Veil: COVID-19 and the Need to Re-consider Airline Regulation


Abstract: Based on the assumption that the COVID-19 pandemic might provide the occasion to re-think the role of aircraft passenger transportation, this Insight advocates a re-evaluation of the market models developed over the past decades to deregulate the airline industry. The first aspect on which the Insight focuses is the...

Free Movement of Workers in the Light of the COVID-19 Sanitary Crisis: From Restrictive Selection to Selective Mobility


Abstract: In a context of widespread border checks and border closures, the circulation of workers was not totally abolished: some workers, whose mobility was considered necessary, continued to benefit from free movement. The selection of the types of work mobility to be preserved, in the crisis, is the starting point of this contribution. After...

Rapatriements en situation d’urgence lors de la pandémie de COVID-19: la solidarité européenne hors sol européen


Abstract: One of the priorities of the EU’s external action during the COVID-19 outbreak was to ensure protection of its citizens stranded outside the European territory, especially those whose Member State of nationality had no embassy or consulate in a position to effectively provide consular assistance. Repatriation of these citizens was made...

Regulating Composite Platform Economy Services: The State-of-play After Airbnb Ireland


Abstract: A number of platform economy services are composite insofar as they consist of an element provided by electronic means and another that is not provided by electronic means. Determining whether platforms provide only the online intermediation service or an overall service comprising the underlying physical service as well is instrumental in...

Adapting to Change: COVID-19 as a Factor Shaping EU State Aid Law


Abstract: The purpose of this Insight is to illustrate how State aid law will work in this troubled time. First, it focuses on Art. 107, para. 3, let. b) and c), TFEU and the Temporary Framework adopted by the European Commission to support the economy in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. Furthermore, it clarifies the role that Art. 107...

Rethinking Solidarity in View of the Wanting Internal and External EU Law Framework Concerning Trade Measures in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis


Abstract: The present Insight looks at the EU and the international law framework concerning trade measures in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, focusing on export restrictions. As is shown, the legal framework is fairly permissive with regard to EU Member States, but also the EU as an international actor. Taking into account economics–...

Citizenship, Coronavirus and Questions of Competence


Abstract: Restrictions on movement imposed in all Member States have necessarily resulted in a restriction of free movement rights of Union citizens, albeit in an incidental manner. These restrictions are nonetheless facilitated by the relevant provisions of primary and secondary law. This is appropriate in light of the multi-level system of...

International and European Emergency Assistance to EU Member States in the COVID-19 Crisis: Why European Solidarity Is Not Dead and What We Need to Make It both Happen and Last


Abstract: It is of course too early to draw conclusions about the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 crisis in its Member States while we are still in the midst of the health crisis. On the other hand, it is already possible to correct the widely shared first impression that European solidarity had been shattered. The available public data...
