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Un(packing) Sanctions Data: What Can Sanctions Numbers Teach Us


Abstract: There is an ongoing academic discussion on the concept of smart and targeted sanctions, suggesting that these measures should be tailored, allow for humanitarian exemptions, and include an accessible de-listing procedure for designated subjects, among other criteria. However, a question arises as to whether the concept of smart sanctions...

GDPR Meets Unfair Competition Law: The Lindenapotheke Ruling and Its Implications for Data Subjects and Controllers


Abstract: On 4 October 2024, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued a landmark judgment that adds significant depth to the interpretation of the GDPR, especially concerning its interplay with unfair competition law and the concept of “special categories of personal data”. After analysing the facts of the case and the ECJ’s...

How the Court Tries to Deliver Justice in Common Foreign and Security Policy, Where the Need for Judicial Protection Clashes with the Principles of Conferral and Institutional Balance. Joined Cases C-29/22 P and C-44/22 P KS and KD


Abstract: KS and KD is a judgment where the European Court of Justice finds it has jurisdiction to hear actions for damages caused by the European Union’s (EU) civilian missions or military operations. It is the first time that this has happened. Although not entirely surprising, the finding of jurisdiction contributes to a growing line of...

From Dusk Till Dawn. The Case of F.T. v D.W. and the Right to Access Electronic Medical Records in Light of the Future European Health Data Space Regulation


Abstract: Free access to a copy of personal data included in a medical record is guaranteed under EU law. The legal basis, scope and reach of this right were addressed for the first time by the European Court of Justice in F.T. v D.W. The case triggers a number of considerations on the protection offered to individuals, and most notably...

Shaping the Joint Liability Landscape? The Broader Consequences of WS v Frontex for EU Law


Abstract: The Insight delves into the CJEU judgment of WS et al. v Frontex, the first action for damages against the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, for human rights violations at the EU's external borders. Despite the prevalence of systemic violations and heightened attention to the agency's...

Who are the Russian Oligarchs? Recent Developments in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice


Abstract: This Insight examines the developments in the EU restrictive measures against Russia in the aftermath of the full-scale aggression in Ukraine, focusing on the novel "(g) criterion" designed to target Russian businesspersons (often referred to as Russian oligarchs). The analysis illustrates the recent litigation before the General...

Mutual Trust and EU Accession to the ECHR: Are We Over the Opinion 2/13 Hurdle?


Abstract: After more than forty years of discussion and a decade after the CJEU struck down EU accession to the ECHR in Opinion 2/13, negotiators provisionally approved a new version of the Accession Instruments in March 2023. This Insight examines how this new draft of the Accession Instruments has addressed the mutual trust concerns...

Battles on Different Fronts: The Role of the EU in Strengthening the Response of Ukraine to Gender-based Violence, Including Conflict-related Sexual Violence, Since Russia’s Invasion


Abstract: The Insight investigates the role of the EU in promoting gender equality and freedom from gender-based violence in Ukraine in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine. By drawing on concrete examples of developments which took place at legal, justice-related and values-based dimensions through the framework of discursive...

Staatsanwaltschaft Aachen, ovvero la tutela dei diritti fondamentali sulla base del test LM nelle procedure di trasferimento interstatale di detenuti


Abstract: In the judgment handed down on 9 November 2023 by the Court of Justice in Staatsanwaltschaft Aachen, the Court has acknowledged that the two-step test aimed at protecting fundamental rights, which was developed in relation to the European Arrest Warrant in Aranyosi and Căldăraru and confirmed by subsequent judgments – in...

The Effects of the Conflict in Ukraine on the Human Rights Situation Within the European Union


Abstract: The conflict in Ukraine, triggered by the Russia’s act of aggression in March 2014 and, in full scale, in February 2022, has had a profound impact on the human rights situation not only in Ukraine itself but also in the Member States of the European Union. This impact manifests itself in three main areas. The first area concerns the...

