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The Centre d’études juridiques européennes of the University of Geneva, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, organises a Doctoral Workshop, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Christine Kaddous, on the topic: Bilateralism versus Multilateralism.
Organised in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Enzo Cannizzaro (Sapienza University of Rome), Prof. Dr. Ramses Wessel (Twente University) and Prof. Dr. J. Wouters (Leuven University), the Doctoral Workshop will consist of two days of presentations by, and discussions with, PhD researchers, in interaction with senior academic experts, and a session with presentations and discussions between invited senior scholars and practitioners from the EU institutions and from the Geneva international.
The Symposium welcomes contributions from various disciplines of the humanities and social sciences (law, political science, political economy…) in order to address the proposed topic in a comprehensive and multi-faceted fashion. Contributions from different fields concerning a particular research topic will be combined in panels in order to foster pluridisciplinarity. The selected participants will be encouraged to present their analysis and evaluations on the substantial and institutional aspects of the EU’s action within the framework of bilateralism versus multilateralism, on the convergence and possible divergence between the goals pursued by the EU and those pursued by other International Organizations and bodies. They will, moreover, be expected to analyze the main issues linked to the political, economic, diplomatic and/or institutional aspects of the EU’s action.
Interested PhD students and young scholars should submit proposal summaries, in English only, of 600 words (approximately one page). The said proposals, accompanied by detailed CVs and motivation letters should be submitted to philipp.hahn@unige.ch no later than 15 March 2019. The organisers will review the submitted proposals. A final selection will be made and communicated in April 2019.
Confirmed participants are expected to provide complete drafts of their papers, of between 8000-10.000 words, in electronic form, no later than 20 June 2019.
For further details, see the full Call for Papers.