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European Papers is glad to announce the publication of the following contributions in the next issues of the e-Journal.
European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 9, 2024, No 3
Antti Ronkainen, Anna W Ghavanini and Päivi Leino-Sandberg, The House Always Wins. A Systematic Analysis of CJEU Case Law Relating to the Economic and Monetary Union (2010-2020)
Nikos Braoudakis and Rosanne Craveia, Conformity of ISDS Mechanisms in First-Generation Bilateral Investment Treaties with EU Law: The Impact of Opinion 1/17
Artificial Intelligence and EU Law Enforcement
edited by Miroslava Scholten, Isaac Martín Delgado and Luis Arroyo Jiménez
Miroslava Scholten, Isaac Martín Delgado and Luis Arroyo Jiménez, Artificial Intelligence and EU law Enforcement: A Bottom-Up Approach
David Hadwick, Slipping Through the Cracks, the Carve-outs for AI Tax Enforcement Systems in the EU AI Act
Irmak Erdogan, Diving into the Iceberg: Establishing Transparency in AI for Law Enforcement
Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel, The Right to Avoid Self-incrimination: Yet Another Elephant in the Automated Competition law Enforcement Room?
Jerome De Cooman, Whose Bias is it, Anyway? The Need for a Four-Eyes Principle in AI-Driven Competion Law Proceedings
Lorenzo Gugliotta and Abdullah Elbi, Will AI “Subtly” Take Over Decision-making in the EU Migration Context? Warnings and Lessons from ETIAS and VIS
The Shape-Shifting Definition of the EU’s Financial Interest and its Protection in Contemporary Europe
edited by Aldo Sandulli, Elisabetta Tatì and Alessandro Nato
Aldo Sandulli, Elisabetta Tatì and Alessandro Nato, Introduction to the Special Section: The Shape-Shifting Definition of the EU’s Financial Interest and its Protection in Contemporary Europe
Aldo Sandulli and Alessandro Nato, EU Financial Interests Within the Financialisation Process of the European Legal Order
Francesco Bilancia, The Financial Interests of the EU: Implications on the European Rule of Law Idea
Maurizia De Bellis, The NGEU and the Energy Crisis: The Shifting Boundaries of Conditionality
Cristina Fasone and Marta Simoncini, Next Generation EU and Governance by Conditionality: A Transformation of the European Economic Constitution?
Emanuele Birritteri and Elisabetta Tatì, Beyond the Assimilation Principle: Enhanced Protection of the EU’s Financial Interest vis-à-vis National Interests in Italy
Maciej Serowaniec, The Protection of EU Financial Interests in Poland: Administrative and Criminal Critical Issues
Schengen and European Borders - Third Part
edited by Iris Goldner Lang
Iris Goldner Lang, National Independent Monitoring Mechanisms for Fundamental Rights Compliance at the EU’s External Borders
Niovi Vavoula, Algorithmic Accountability Through the “Human over the Loop” in Interoperable and EU AI-reliant Large-scale IT Systems for Migration and Security
Vera Honuskova and Enes Zaimovic, The Czech Republic and the 2022 and 2023 Reintroduction of Border Controls: Framing Secondary Movements as a Threat to National Security in the Regional Context