Ten Years On: The Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union Since Opinion 2/13


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Seeing the wood for the trees: the background. – III. How did the Court of Justice of the European Union use the extra time? – IV. Conclusions.

Abstract: Ten years ago, when the Court of Justice delivered Opinion 2/13, the author of the present Article...

Mind the Fog, Stand Clear of the Cliff! From the Political Declaration to the Post-Brexit EU-UK Legal Framework – Part I


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Genesis of the Political Declaration. – III. Transitional period and post-Brexit negotiations. – III.1. The transitional period: raison d'être and the basic parameters. – III.2. Political Declaration and negotiations of the future EU-UK framework. – III.3. Post-Brexit negotiations. IV. Post...

Exercises in Legal Acrobatics: The Brexit Transitional Arrangements


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Art. 50 TEU: does it provide for a transitional arrangement? – III. Art. 50 TEU as a transition. – IV. Tailor-made transitional arrangement. – IV.1. Introduction. – IV.2. Where to regulate a transitional arrangement? – IV.3. Institutional and substantive aspects of a tailor-made transitional arrangement. – V...


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