Assessing Credibility of Asylum Seekers’ Statements on Sexual Orientation: Lights and Shadows of the F Judgment


Abstract: This Insight examines the judgment delivered by the Court of Justice on 25 January 2018 in the case F (C-473/16). This case concerns a very sensitive topic, as it relates to the admissibility of an expert’s report and projective personality tests to assess the existence of a specific ground upon which international...

Free Movement of Workers and Old-age Benefits: The Court of Justice of the European Union’s Standpoint in Commission v. Cyprus (C-515/14)


Keywords: movement – workers – pensions – age – civil servants.

In its recent judgment Commission v. Cyprus,[1] the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) stated that a domestic norm, which prevents Cypriot civil servants under the age of 45 to fully benefit from the...


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