The European Social Charter Turns 60: Introduction to the Special Section


Abstract: Since it was opened for signature by the member States of the Council of Europe (CoE) on 18 October 1961, the European Social Charter (ESC) has developed into an advanced regional system of economic and social human rights protection, although on different modalities than the European Convention of Human Rights’ system. The ESC’s...

Regulatory Competition in the EU: Foundations, Tools and Implications – Introduction


Abstract: The Special Section investigates, from a multidisciplinary perspective, foundations, tools and implications of regulatory competition in the EU legal order. The analysis takes the view that regulatory competition is not just an inevitable corollary of the creation of the internal market, but it is the result of political choices made to...

At the Roots of Regulatory Competition in the EU: Cross-border Movement of Companies as a Way to Exercise a Genuine Economic Activity or just Law Shopping?


Table of Contents: I. Free movement of companies and regulatory competition in the EU: Some introductory remarks. – II. Lack of genuine economic activity in the host State and the application of Treaty rules on freedom of establishment to the transfers of companies. – II.1. An economic activity-based definition of establishment: AG Kokott in ...

Social Integration in EU Law: Content, Limits and Functions of an Elusive Notion – Introduction


Abstract: This Introduction guides the reader through the special section "Social Integration in EU Law: Contents, Limits and Functions of an Elusive Notion". The Authors underline the multi-faceted essence of this concept, which has both an integrative potential and a defensive function. Social integration is closely connected to the...


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