Special Focus on EU Strategic Autonomy and Technological Sovereignty: An Introduction


Abstract: This Special Focus aims at reflecting on the concepts of European technological sovereignty (ETS) and European strategic autonomy (ESA). Taking a legal perspective, it gathers the Insights of a group of scholars on highly debated issues such as the EU’s strategic autonomy, technical and digital sovereignty....

Reinforcing Europe's Technological Sovereignty Through Trade Measures: The EU and Member States' Shared Sovereignty


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the EU and Member States’ initiatives to reinforce Europe’s technological sovereignty (i.e. technological leadership and independence from others (especially China)) as far as semiconductors are concerned. It explores whether it is necessary to change the current allocation of powers...

The UK as a Third Country: The Current Model of Cooperation with the European Union in the Adoption of Restrictive Measures


Abstract: This Insight examines how the UK has shaped its sanctions policy from the start of the transition period until the first three months following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. The objective of the Insight is to assess whether the UK has aligned with the EU restrictive measures based on art. 215 TFEU or has made political...

La reazione dell’Unione europea di fronte alla crisi del Mediterraneo orientale: tra misure restrittive e la proposizione di “un’agenda politica positiva” alla Turchia


Abstract: This Insight examines the EU’s reaction to the breaches of the territorial sovereignty of Cyprus and Greece by Turkey in the context of the crisis of the Eastern Mediterranean sea which developed between 2019 and 2020. The EU has reacted by adopting restrictive measures against two Turkish nationals responsible for drilling...

The Integration of Migration Concerns into EU External Policies: Instruments, Techniques and Legal Problems


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The Compacts and the practical arrangements for the return of irregular migrants and their impact on the principle of institutional balance. – III. The Compacts with countries hosting refugees: the context of their adoption and their legal nature. – IV. The integration of refugees in the job market of the...

Le misure restrittive dell’Unione europea per sviamento di fondi pubblici alla luce della sentenza Azarov


Abstract: This Insight concerns a special category of EU restrictive measures: those freezing funds and economic resources of former members of the political leadership (and/or their families) of countries falling within the European Neighbourhood Policy. These measures are addressed to persons responsible for the misappropriation of state...

La revisione della politica europea di vicinato e il controverso rapporto tra condizionalità e geometria variabile


Abstract: This comment examines the reform of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) as illustrated by the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union, Mogherini, in November 2015. The objective of the new ENP is to increase the stability of the neighbours and to promote their growth. It is envisaged the possibility to device a new...


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