Gedanken zum Austausch zwischen der deutsch-und der englischsprachigen Europarechtswissenschaft


Keywords: EU law research – methodologies – incentive structures – exchange across language boundaries – Brexit – retained EU law

Die vorliegende erste deutschsprachige Ausgabe der ansonsten eher anglophonen European Papers lädt zu der Frage ein, wie es um den Austausch zwischen der deutschsprachigen und der...

Scotland’s Place in Europe After Brexit: Between a Rock and a Hard Place? A Legal Scoping Exercise


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Background: Scotland’s place in the UK. – III. Scotland as part of the UK: the legal options around a special deal. – III.1. EU membership for Scotland as part of the UK? – III.2. Scotland in the single market as part of the UK? – IV. Scotland as an independent country. – IV.1. The path to an independence...


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