The Joint Investigation Team in Ukraine: Challenges and Opportunities for the International Criminal Court


Keywords: joint investigation team – Eurojust – Russia-Ukraine war – International Criminal Court – Office of the Prosecutor – positive complementarity.

A Joint Investigation Team (JIT) can be set up on the basis of an agreement between two or more member States of the European Union (EU) and/or other parties...

The Court of Justice and the Assessment of Double Criminality Under the European Arrest Warrant Framework Decision: KL


Abstract: The Court of Justice provided a comprehensive interpretation of the dual criminality requirement under Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA when it handed down its judgment in the KL judgment (case C-168/21 Procureur général près la cour d’appel d’Angers ECLI:EU:C:2022:558). The case at hand raised three intertwined legal...

The European Commission’s Instrumentalization Strategy: Normalising Border Procedures and De Facto Detention


Abstract: The global reform of the EU migration policy envisaged in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum is stalling. The increased number of arrivals from Belarus gave the European Commission the opportunity to change its approach in attempting to reform the European migration management. The Belarus crisis, influenced by the active involvement of...

Protecting Borders or Individual Rights? A Comparative Due Process Rights Analysis of EU and Member State Responses to ‘Weaponised’ Migration


Abstract: In recent years the EU and its Member States have claimed to be increasingly targeted by “weaponised” migration. Due to the contemporary sensitivity of migration-related issues in the EU, neighbouring states are supposedly using the threat of increased migration to force the Union’s hand in other policy areas. Below, several recent...

Schengen Reform: ‘Alternatives’ to Border Controls to Curb ‘Secondary Movements’


Abstract: A series of challenges and crises have highlighted the deficits of the ‘Schengen Αrea’ both regarding its external and internal borders. This resulted in the undermining of trust between the Member States which is essential to sustain an area free from internal borders. Thus, the EU Commission presented in December 2021 new rules to...

The Court of Justice’s Self-restraint of Reviewing Financial Assistance Conditionality in the Chrysostomides Case


Abstract: In the Chrysostomides case (joined cases C-597/18 P, C-598/18 P, C-603/18 P and C-604/18 P Council v Chrysostomides & Co. and Others ECLI:EU:C:2020:1028), the Court of Justice (ECJ) confirmed its previous finding that the Eurogroup has only an informal and intergovernmental nature. Building on the cases Ledra...

Stranieri trattenuti alle frontiere esterne dell’Unione: il quadro di garanzie individuato dalla Corte di giustizia e le sfide del Nuovo patto sulle migrazioni e l’asilo


Abstract: This Insight discusses the Court of Justice’s judgment of 14 May 2020 in the joined cases C-924/19 and C-925/19, which concerned two couples of asylum seekers detained in the Röszke transit zone, at the Hungarian-Serbian border. The analysis focuses on the approach followed by the Court, that has addressed several issues under EU...

Halcyon Days for the Right to Silence: AG Pikamäe’s Opinion in Case DB v. Consob


Abstract: The case DB v. Consob (request lodged on 21 June 2019, case C-481/19), pending before the Court of Justice, deals with preliminary questions referred by the Italian Constitutional Court on the applicability and scope of a natural person's right to remain silent during administrative proceedings which may lead to the imposition of...

Pre-trial Detention and EU Law: Collecting Fragments of Harmonisation Within the Existing Legal Framework


Abstract: Pre-trial detention has yet to be harmonised under EU law, although evidence points to an overuse that may affect mutual trust. Other instruments however exist that might impact on the way national authorities use pre-trial detention. In this Insight, we seek to detect fragments of harmonisation within the existing legal framework...

The Interplay Between the European Supervision Order and the European Arrest Warrant: An Untapped Potential Waiting to Be Harvested


Abstract: This Insight will discuss the European Supervision Order (ESO) in the context of its nexus with the EAW. It will give an overview of the ESO, focussing on the issue of the ways in which breaches of an ESO may be addressed. The argument is advanced that the ESO’s potential is currently untapped and that it has the ability to make...



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