La sentenza A e B c. Norvegia della Corte di Strasburgo ridimensiona la portata del principio ne bis in idem


Abstract: In A and B v. Norway (judgment of 15 November 2016, nos 24130/11 and 29758/11) the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights restricted the scope of the ne bis in idem principle. Partly relaying on its previous case law, the Court upheld that Art. 4 of the Protocol no. 7 of the European Convention of...

Aleksei Petruhhin: Extradition of EU Citizens to Third States


Abstract: Extradition agreements between Member States and third States fall within the competence of Member States, but the ruling in Aleksei Petruhhin (Court of Justice, judgment of 6 September 2016, case C-182/15 [GC]) shows that Member States must exercise this competence in light of EU law if extradition may affect an EU citizen’s...

The EU-Turkey Statement, the Treaty-Making Process and Competent Organs. Is the Statement an International Agreement?


Abstract: The EU-Turkey Statement has undergone multiple analyses regarding issues of human rights and refugee law. One of the most controversial matters among scholars is its nature as an international agreement. This insight will analyse the legal nature of this statement, on the basis of the international law of treaties, the law of international...

The Front Polisario v. Council Case: The General Court, Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit and the External Aspect of European Integration (First Part)


Abstract: Over the last few years, the CJEU’s approach to international law has sparked a fierce debate in the literature. More recent case-law has challenged the narrative of the CJEU’s Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit and it has called into question the EU’s carefully cultivated self-image as a global actor with an attitude of respect and...

EU Law and Extradition Agreements of Member States: The Petruhhin Case


Abstract: The Insight analyses the recent judgment of the Court of Justice in the Aleksei Petruhhin v. Latvijas Republikas Ģenerālprokuratūra case (judgment of 6 December 2016, case C-182/15). The preliminary ruling deals with the relationship between EU law and Member States’ extradition agreements with third countries. The...

Condizione di precarietà ed incertezza dei richiedenti protezione internazionale al vaglio della Corte europea dei diritti umani: in margine al caso B.A.C. c. Grecia


Keywords: protection of the right to private life – torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment – Greek System of International Protection – repatriation – extradition –Turkey.

La recente sentenza B.A.C. c. Grecia[1] ha rappresentato l’occasione per una presa di posizione...

License to Presume: The Compatibility Between the European Convention of Human Rights and Security Council Resolutions in Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc v. Switzerland


Abstract: The judgment of the Grand Chamber in Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc. v. Switzerland can be praised as an effort to avoid contradictions between the UN Charter and the European Convention of Human Rights. It is also a reminder that UN Sanctions Committees still fail to meet fair trial standards. However, the...

Al-Dulimi and Competing Concepts of International Organizations


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the two judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc. v. Switzerland. It discusses the different approaches adopted by the European Court to deal with the responsibility of Member States of international organizations. It contends that the Court...

Changement volontaire du nom, titres nobiliaires et ordre public: l’arrêt Bogendorff von Wolffersdorff


Abstract: In a recent ruling (judgment of 2 June 2016, case C-438/14, Bogendorff von Wolffersdorff) concerning the recognition in a Member State of the name and surname of a dual national, freely chosen in another Member State and containing a number of tokens of nobility, the Court of Justice focused on the proportionality of the...

Different Arguments Lead to the Same Result: The Tobacco Products Directive Is Declared Valid by the Court of Justice


Abstract: On 4 May 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered its judgment in the case Philip Morris. For the first time, the reasoning of the Court does not focus exclusively on internal market issues but, instead, includes an analysis on fundamental rights and the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity. Following...



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