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L’accordo per il Tribunale unificato dei brevetti: quali prospettive dopo la ratifica italiana e la Brexit?


Abstract: The entry into force of the Agreement on the Unified Patent Court looks nowadays even more uncertain than it did before. The Brexit has seriously impacted on the cautious optimisms believing in its possible entry into force by Spring 2017. While the ratification process keeps moving onwards – reaching in November 2016 the thirteenth...

Of Surcharges and Supervision: German Renewable Energy Act Is State Aid


Abstract: Germany's former law on renewable energy constitutes State aid illegal under EU law. The General Court dismissed Germany’s action for annulment of a Commission Decision, finding that a renewable energy surcharge payable by electricity consumers for the benefit of those electricity producers using renewable sources effectively equalled the...

Restricciones a la libre circulación de capitals mediante beneficios fiscales en materia de sucesiones


Keywords: taxation – free movement of capital – inheritance – residence – objectively comparable situation – public interest.

El asunto Comisión contra Grecia[1] ha venido a aumentar el número de pronunciamientos del TJUE en lo referido a las regulaciones...

The Trade Secrets Directive in the International Legal Framework


Abstract: This paper aims at contributing to the interpretation of some issues raised by the Directive (EU) 2016/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2016 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure approving, with significant...

Trade Secrets and Whistleblower Protection in the European Union


Abstract: The recently adopted Trade Secrets Directive aims to increase incentives for cross-border innovation activities and business competitiveness in the European Union. Yet, the Directive has been controversial and criticized for failing to provide adequate safeguards for whistleblowers, i.e. individuals who expose information in the public...

Illegal State Aids and Multinational Companies: The European Commission Decision on the Apple – Ireland Tax Ruling


Keywords: Apple – State aid – arm’s length principle – tax regulations – multinational companies – OECD guidelines.

In its decision of 30 August 2016 the European Commission found that Ireland granted undue tax benefits to Apple and that, as a consequence, that Member State is under the obligation to recover...

Different Arguments Lead to the Same Result: The Tobacco Products Directive Is Declared Valid by the Court of Justice


Abstract: On 4 May 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered its judgment in the case Philip Morris. For the first time, the reasoning of the Court does not focus exclusively on internal market issues but, instead, includes an analysis on fundamental rights and the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity. Following...

García Nieto: Another Restrictive Approach in the European Citizenship Case Law


Keywords: CJEU – EU citizenship – social benefits – short-term residence – economically inactive – family reunification.

On February 2016, the CJEU rendered an important judgment in, García-Nieto et al., on the limits to the right to social assistance granted to European citizens living in another...



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