European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 4, 2019, No 2

The European Parliament at the First Crusade
Friends with Benefits? Possibilities for the UK’s Continued Participation in the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy
Ramses A. Wessel
Differentiated Integration in Europe After Brexit: A Legal Analysis
Giacinto della Cananea
The Transformation of Regulatory Cooperation Through Its Inclusion in Free Trade Agreements: What Is Its Added Value?
Kornilia Pipidi-Kalogirou
European External Migration Funds and Public Procurement Law
Thomas Spijkerboer and Elies Steyger
The Ne Bis in Idem Principle as a Limit to the Resumption of Competition Proceedings: An Analysis of the Rebar Cartel Saga
Enrico Salmini Sturli
Dialogues – EU Equality Law
On Constitutional Rights and Political Choices
Takis Tridimas
European Forum
Insights and Highlights

- 580 lecturas