- 821 lecturas
Abstract: EU citizenship played a central role in the debate preceding the Brexit referendum and during the Brexit negotiations. It is inevitable, therefore, that, in the context of Brexit the concept of EU citizenship was and continues to be deeply challenged. This Special Section takes the process of Brexit and the challenges raised against the process of European integration in this context as an invitation to critically reflect on the current state of EU law by focusing, more particularly, on the concept of EU citizenship.
Keywords: Brexit – EU citizenship – European integration – free movement of persons – political rights – access to social benefits.
European Papers, Vol. 3, 2018, No 3, pp. 1289-1292
ISSN 2499-8249 - doi: 10.15166/2499-8249/270
* Head of the Institute for European Law, KU Leuven, Visiting Professor, College of Europe, elise.muir@kuleuven.be.
** Legal Secretary, CJEU, Assistant Professor, University of Antwerp, Senior Associated Research Fellow, Institute for European Law, University of Leuven, nathan.cambien@law.kuleuven.be.