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EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement: Insights on the Substantial and Procedural Guarantees for Labour Protection in Vietnam


Abstract: On 12 February 2020, the European Parliament gave its green light for a free trade agreement between the EU and Vietnam. After its conclusion by the Council and ratification by the Vietnamese General Assembly, it is likely to enter into force in early Summer 2020. During the long negotiation period, the project attracted criticism and...

The Issue of Data Protection in EU Trade Commitments: Cross-border Data Transfers in GATS and Bilateral Free Trade Agreements


Abstract: The rapid technological developments and the increasing data flows have not yet been addressed through global coordination. The WTO has so far played a minor role, failing to update its treaties to the new reality of digital trade. To reduce the uncertainty as to the economic and privacy-related impacts of cross-border data flows,...

“In Between Seats”… The Conseil constitutionnel and the CETA


Abstract: On 26 July 2017, the Conseil constitutionnel ruled upon the compatibility of an EU (mixed) agreement with the French Constitution. Its decision, which concerned the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), clarifies, from a national constitutional law perspective, the room of manoeuvre of the national judge...

Front Polisario: A Step Forward in Judicial Review of International Agreements by the Court of Justice?


Abstract: In Front Polisario (judgment of 21 December 2016, case C-104/16 P, Council of the European Union v. Front Polisario [GC]), the Court of Justice was called to assess the validity of a decision that had concluded an agreement providing for reciprocal liberalisation measures on agriculture and fishery products between the EU...

Mixity in EU Foreign Trade Policy Is Here to Stay: Advocate General Sharpston on the Allocation of Competence for the Conclusion of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement


Abstract: It has been two decades since the Court of Justice had the chance to comprehensively assess the scope of the common commercial policy. In Opinion 2/15 on the EU-Singapore free trade agreement (FTA) the Court is now asked to determine how far the EU’s external competence stretches post-Lisbon. Ahead of the decision, AG Sharpston has...

The Front Polisario v. Council Case: The General Court, Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit and the External Aspect of European Integration (First Part)


Abstract: Over the last few years, the CJEU’s approach to international law has sparked a fierce debate in the literature. More recent case-law has challenged the narrative of the CJEU’s Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit and it has called into question the EU’s carefully cultivated self-image as a global actor with an attitude of respect and...

CETA and Global Governance Law: What Kind of Model Agreement Is It Really in Law?


Abstract: The EU-Canada Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) provides for the free movement of goods, persons and capital to various degrees and its depth and breadth remain to be seen, as a high profile next generation WTO plus Agreement. CETA may well become a model for future mega regionals, for reasons of its new model and scope. It is quite...

The EU Solution to Deal with the Dutch Referendum Result on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement


Keywords: EU-Ukraine cooperation – association agreement – Dutch referendum – European Council – mixed agreements – international agreements.

On 6 April 2016 the Dutch population was asked to be voor (in favour) or tegen (against) the act to approve the Association Agreement between the...

An Investment Court System for the New Generation of EU Trade and Investment Agreements: A Discussion of the Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with Canada


Abstract: The European Commission has recently concluded the negotiations on the free trade agreement between the EU and Vietnam and the Comprehensive Trade and Investment Agreement between the EU and Canada. Amongst other issues, these agreements provide for comprehensive chapters on investment, including provisions on investor-state dispute...


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