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The European Union’s Financial Contribution to the Response to the Covid-19 Crisis: An Overview of Existing Mechanisms, Proposals Under Discussion and Open Issues


Abstract: This Insight contains an overview of the measures through which EU institutions and organs financially contribute to the response to the Covid-19 crisis. Measures address direct support to public health and to humanitarian aid, research, and economic and social consequences of the crisis. The response is the most diverse, as it...

Le condizioni ricavabili dal Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati per le applicazioni nazionali di tracciamento dei contatti: alcune considerazioni


Abstract: In order to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, several EU Member States have decided to use contact tracing apps, which can display different characteristics: some of them rely on Bluetooth technology, while others on GPS location; some of them adopt a decentralised approach in data collection, while others a centralised approach. The present...

EU Soft Law Instruments as a Tool to Tackle the COVID-19 Crisis: Looking at the “Guidance” on Public Procurement Through the Prism of Solidarity


Abstract: The European Commission has used soft law instruments to tackle the COVID-19 crisis. In so doing, it not only tried to accommodate the emergency within the flexibilities inherent in EU law, but it also assumed, along with national authorities, its own share of responsibility to respond to economic and public health issues. By taking as a...

The PSPP Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court: Throwing Sand in the Wheels of the European Central Bank


Abstract: After describing the measures adopted by the European Central Bank (ECB) to mitigate the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the euro area, the Insight focusses on the repercussions of the controversial judgment adopted by the German Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) on 5 May 2020. It is contended that the criteria...

A European Way to Approach (and Limit) the Law on State Immunity? The Court of Justice in the RINA Case


Abstract: The present Insight offers an analysis of the judgment of the Court of Justice in the so-called RINA case (judgment of 7 May 2020, case C-641/18, LG and Others v. Rina and Ente Registro Navale), which deals with the (non) automatic extension of State immunity to private actors entrusted with some public functions....

Sui rapporti tra Carte e Corti: nuovi sviluppi nella ricerca di un sistema rapido ed efficace di tutela dei diritti fondamentali


Abstract: This Insight deals with the recent case-law of the Italian courts regarding the relationship between domestic and Community rules on fundamental rights, taking into account in particular the substantial and procedural problems that arise when a law is suspected to violate both the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU and...

Filtrage des investissements directs étrangers dans l’UE et COVID-19: vers une politique commune d’investissement fondée sur la sécurité de l’Union


Abstract: This Insight examines the EU’s response to foreign direct investment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The crisis has revealed the increased risk of attempts to acquire EU healthcare capabilities or EU strategic industries via foreign direct investments (FDI). As positive law stands, EU Member States are responsible for...

Diritti dei passeggeri nel mercato aereo tra libera concorrenza e trasparenza tariffaria: brevi note a margine del caso Ryanair c. AGCM


Keywords: internal market – competition law – unfair commercial practices – pricing policies – additional charges – transparency.

Con la sentenza Ryanair Ltd. c. AGCM,[1] depositata lo scorso 23 aprile 2020, la Corte di giustizia è intervenuta sulle...

Lifting the Veil: COVID-19 and the Need to Re-consider Airline Regulation


Abstract: Based on the assumption that the COVID-19 pandemic might provide the occasion to re-think the role of aircraft passenger transportation, this Insight advocates a re-evaluation of the market models developed over the past decades to deregulate the airline industry. The first aspect on which the Insight focuses is the...

COVID-19 Soft Law: Voluminous, Effective, Legitimate? A Research Agenda


Abstract: After the various recent crisis – financial, migration, Brexit, to name but a few – the mantra “the end of the EU is nigh” has somewhat become a common place. It is hardly surprising to see this repeated over and over again, while Europe got caught in the COVID-19 whirlwind – or the “eye of the storm” if you prefer more established quotes...



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