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European Solidarity in Times of Emergency: An Introduction to the Special Focus on COVID-19 and the EU


Keywords: COVID-19 and the EU – European Solidarity – EU Values – EU Policies – EU Competences – New Research Paths.

On 13 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Europe the active centre of the COVID-19 pandemic. One month later, on 14 April 2020, several European Union Member States were...

Sugli effetti della violazione di obblighi procedurali sostanziali: in margine alla sentenza Airbnb


Abstract: The Insight focuses on the judgement delivered by the Court of Justice on 19 December 2019 in case C-390/18, Airbnb Ireland. The analysis will be mainly conducted with a view to exploring the notion of essential procedural requirement, developed in the previous case law, and the legal consequences flowing from this notion...

The X Case: The Influence of the Resource Requirement on Long Term Residents’ Integration and National Authorities’ Discretionary Powers


Abstract: In the X case (judgment of 3 October 2019, case C-302/18), the Court of Justice addressed for the first time the application of the resource requirement of the Directive 2003/09/EC, a precondition for the obtainment of the status of long-term resident by third-country nationals. In its ruling, the Court compared the provision of...

For a Few Cigarettes More: The AG Opinion in the JTI Case


Abstract: In his Opinion delivered on 6 December 2018 in case C-596/17, JTI, AG Saugmandsgaard Øe argued that Art. 15, para. 1, of Directive 2011/64 authorises Member States to prevent tobacco manufacturers and importers from varying the retail selling price per item or gram for each of their manufactured tobaccos of a certain brand and...

The General Court’s Ruling in Tercas: Between Imputability of the Aid to the State and Use of State Resources


Abstract: This Insight examines the clarification provided by the General Court’s ruling in Tercas (namely, judgment of 19 March 2019, joined cases T-98/16, T-196/16 and T-198/16, Italy and Others v. Commission) with regard to two constituent elements of the notion of State aid: the “imputability to the State” and the “use...

“Lawful Employment” as a Precondition for the Recognition of Residence Rights: Bajratari


Abstract: In the judgment of Bajratari, the Court of Justice was asked to determine whether the availability of sufficient resources established by Art. 7, para. 1, let. b), of Directive 2004/38/EU as a precondition for the recognition of Union citizens’ right of residence in another Member State for more than three months should be...

For a Few Cigarettes More: Comments on AG Saugmandsgaard Øe's Opinion in the JTI Case


Abstract: In his Opinion delivered on 6 December 2018 in case C-596/17, JTI, AG Saugmandsgaard Øe argued that Art. 15, para. 1, of Directive 2011/64 authorises Member States to prevent tobacco manufacturers and importers from varying the retail selling price per item or gram for each of their manufactured tobaccos of a certain brand and...

Antitrust and Coopservice: Procurement Aggregation Is a Serious Thing (Adjudicating Too)


Abstract: Antritrust and Coopservice (judgment of 19 December 2018, case C-216/17) is a peculiar product of the Court of Justice. It is one of a kind in aggregate procurement, a subfield of public procurement that has remained virtually untouched by the Court. A number of very helpful and reasonable directions can be drawn from this judgment with respect to...



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