La prima decisione sul Regolamento Roma III e la legge italiana sul divorzio: le difficoltà del giudice straniero il cui ordinamento non conosca l’istituto della separazione legale


Abstract: EU Member States have different understanding as to divorce and separation proceedings. While some States only have divorce and do not know separation proceedings, others will consider both proceedings as alternative remedies in matrimonial claims. Italy is the only MS where a legal separation proceeding is a necessary precondition to file...

L’accordo per il Tribunale unificato dei brevetti: quali prospettive dopo la ratifica italiana e la Brexit?


Abstract: The entry into force of the Agreement on the Unified Patent Court looks nowadays even more uncertain than it did before. The Brexit has seriously impacted on the cautious optimisms believing in its possible entry into force by Spring 2017. While the ratification process keeps moving onwards – reaching in November 2016 the thirteenth...


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