The Right to Avoid Self-incrimination: Yet Another Elephant in the Automated Competition law Enforcement Room?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The right to avoid self-incrimination in EU competition law. – II.1. The right to avoid self-incrimination in the Charter of Fundamental Rights: Article 6 ECHR as a starting point. – II.2. A specific right to avoid self-incrimination in EU competition law enforcement? – III. Protection against self-...

ECB Decision-making Within the Banking and Monetary Union: The Principle of Confidentiality on Its Way Out?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The ECB’s transparency exceptionalism within the EU constitutional framework. – II.1. Confidentiality as a necessary governance tool for ECB monetary policy. – II.2. Extending the same confidentiality approach to ECB prudential supervision. – II.3. The compatibility of ECB monetary policymaking...

Regulating Tax Competition in the Internal Market: Is the European Commission Finally Changing Course?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Tax competition and the EU internal market: from beneficial to ever more dangerous. – II.1. The place of tax provisions in the EU internal market setup. – II.2. Tax competition within the EU internal market. – II.3. Current position: “aggressive” tax competition calls for EU intervention. – III. Overcoming “...


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