Introduction. The ECHR in the ECJ’s Case Law Post-Charter: A Dual Perspective


Abstract: The relationship between EU law and the ECHR has undergone significant changes in recent decades. The EU has developed its own Charter of Fundamental Rights, gained powers to promote specific fundamental rights, and negotiations for EU accession to the ECHR are ongoing. These evolving parameters strengthen the interactions between the EU...

The Horizontal Equality Clauses (Arts 8 & 10 TFEU) and Their Contribution to the Course of EU Equality Law: Still an Empty Vessel?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Individual horizontal clauses as an empty vessel. – II.1. Equality concerns incorporated in EU law-making before the horizontal clauses. – II.2. No autonomous function for horizontal equality clauses. – III. The contribution of horizontal clauses to the crossing. – III.1. An aid in the case-law of the ECJ...


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