Regulatory Competition in the EU: Foundations, Tools and Implications – Introduction


Abstract: The Special Section investigates, from a multidisciplinary perspective, foundations, tools and implications of regulatory competition in the EU legal order. The analysis takes the view that regulatory competition is not just an inevitable corollary of the creation of the internal market, but it is the result of political choices made to...

I Would Rather Be a Respondent State Before a Domestic Court in the EU than Before an International Investment Tribunal


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Who trumps who? – II.1. Is EU law autonomous? – II.2. EU law and Member States’ BITs. – II.3. The peculiar case of the ECT. – III. Achmea or how international investment tribunals do not understand EU law. – III.1. Why investment tribunals do not have jurisdic-tion in all intra-EU disputes? – III.2. The Advocate...

Achmea Between the Orthodoxy of the Court of Justice and Its Multi-faceted Implications: An Introduction


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Achmea, from the perspective of international investment law specialists. – III. An impressive set of consequences inferred from Achmea. – IV. Achmea and the European integration process.

Abstract: The Achmea case has...

The 2019 Elections and the Future Role of the European Parliament: Upsetting the Institutional Balance?


The elections of May 26 have been welcomed with a sense of relief by the inhabitants of the European districts in Brussels and Strasbourg. If, on the eve of the elections’ day, the dominant mood was fear of a euro-sceptic landslide, that would have deepened the cleavage between peoples and elites and shaken at its roots the process of integration, this mood has gradually...

Do Environmental Rules and Standards Affect Firms’ Competitive Ability?


Table of Contents: I. The economic background. – II. Economics v. law: a different approach. – III. The evolution of EU environmental law: from a neo-classical vision to the precautionary principle. – IV. The intensity of EU environmental protection and its capability to affect EU firms’ ability to compete. – V. Main features of...

The Future of Social Europe and of European Integration at a Crossroads: How Can We Recover and Enforce Solidarity as a Fundamental Principle of European Constitutional Law (or Die)?


Table of Contents: I. A reference point in the crucial debate about social Europe. – II. Social Europe and European integration today: a worrying picture. – III. A constructive approach. – IV. Judicial enforcement of solidarity: possibilities and limitations. – V. Strengthening cooperation and synergies (il faut cultiver notre jardin). – VI...

Institutionalising Solidarity: A Genuine Challenge for Europe


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. A remarkable piece of scholarship for the conceptual approach chosen. – III. Reflecting on the foundational concept: the centrality of collective bargaining.

Abstract: In Solidarity and Conflict (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018),...



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