European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 1, 2016, No 3
Enforcing the Rule of Law in the EU. In the Name of Whom?
Representing the People vs Channelling Them: Constitutional Niceties in an Age of Instant Democratic Gratification. Episode 2: The Supreme Court
Gareth Davies
Welfare Markets and the Democracy of European Integration
Amandine Crespy
The Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Context of International Instruments for the Protection of Human Rights
Giorgio Gaja
Possibilities and Challenges of the EEA as an Option for the UK After Brexit
Hans Petter Graver
On the Content and Scope of National and European Solidarity Under Free Movement Rules: The Case of Golden Shares and Sovereign Investments
Daniele Gallo
Respondent Status and Allocation of International Responsibility Under EU Investment Agreements
Luca Pantaleo
Special Section - Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust: Reinforcing EU Integration? (First Part)
edited by Tony Marguery and Ton van den Brink
Tony Marguery and Ton van den Brink
Regulatory Trust in EU Free Movement Law: Adopting the Level of Protection of the Other?
Xavier Groussot, Gunnar Thor Petursson and Henrik Wenander
Mutual Trust and Human Rights in the AFSJ: In Search of Guidelines for National Courts
Evelien Brouwer
Horizontal Federalism, Mutual Recognition and the Balance Between Harmonization, Home State Control and Host State Autonomy
Ton van den Brink
Rebuttal of Mutual Trust and Mutual Recognition in Criminal Matters: Is ‘Exceptional’ Enough?
Tony Marguery
On a Collision Course! Mutual Recognition, Mutual Trust and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Recent Case-law of the Court of Justice
Stefano Montaldo
On the Agenda: The Refugee Crisis and European Integration
Bottom-up Salvation? From Practical Cooperation Towards Joint Implementation Through the European Asylum Support Office
Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi
A Dialogue on EU’s Democracy and Legitimacy
Reflections on EU Legitimacy and Governing
John Erik Fossum
H v. Council: Strengthening the Rule of Law in the Sphere of the CFSP, One Step at a Time
Thomas Verellen
Of Surcharges and Supervision: German Renewable Energy Act Is State Aid
Severin Klinkmüller
European Forum
Insights and Highlights
- 664 lectures