European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 2, 2017, No 3

Winter Is Coming. The Polish Woodworm Games
Opinion 1/15: The Court of Justice Meets PNR Data (Again!)
Mario Mendez
Opinion 2/15: Sustainable is the New Trade. Rethinking Coherence for the New Common Commercial Policy
Charlotte Beaucillon
The Recurrent Crisis of the European Union’s Common Commercial Policy: Opinion 2/15
Antonio Segura-Serrano
Exercises in Legal Acrobatics: The Brexit Transitional Arrangements
Adam Lazowski
Explaining the EU’s Legal Obligation for Democracy Promotion: The Case of the EU-Turkey Relationship
Paul James Cardwell
Integration in European Defence: Some Legal Considerations
Luigi Lonardo
A Dialogue on Front Polisario
“Self-determination at the European Courts: The Front Polisario Case” or “The Unintended Awakening of a Giant”
Peter Hilpold
L’Union Européenne et la question du Sahara: entre la reconnaissance de la souveraineté du Maroc et les errements de la justice européenne
Abdelhamid El Ouali
Front Polisario and the Exploitation of Natural Resources by the Administrative Power
Enrico Milano
Front Polisario: A Step Forward in Judicial Review of International Agreements by the Court of Justice?
Aurora Rasi
A European Court of Human Rights’ Systematization of Principles Applicable to Expulsion Cases
Gloria Fernández Arribas
European Forum
Insights and Highlights
- 603 lectures