- 824 lectures
M. Eugenia Bartoloni, "Restrictive Measures" Under Art. 215 TFEU: Towards a Unitary Legal Regime? Brief Reflections on the Bank Refah Judgment
Nicola Bergamaschi, La sentenza Bank Refah Kargaran: l’evoluzione del controllo giurisdizionale sulla PESC
Eleonora Celoria, Stranieri trattenuti alle frontiere esterne dell’Unione: il quadro di garanzie individuato dalla Corte di giustizia e le sfide del Nuovo patto sulle migrazioni e l’asilo
Jonatan Echebarria Fernández, A Critical Analysis on the European Union’s Measures to Overcome the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Mikel Erkoreka, The European Union Customs Administration and the Fight Against Fraud
Marco Fasciglione, Implementing ‘Responsible Business Conduct’ Approaches Under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights at the Time of COVID-19
Patricia Faraldo Cabana, Protecting Victims’ Rights Through the European Supervision Order?
Nicole Lazzerini, Dual Preliminarity Within the Scope of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Light of Order 182/2020 of the Italian Constitutional Court
Adriano Martufi and Christina Peristeridou, Pre-trial Detention and EU Law: Collecting Fragments of Harmonisation Within the Existing Legal Framework
Ana Maria Neira-Pena, The Reasons Behind the Failure of the European Supervision Order: The Defeat of Liberty Versus Security
Sara Poli and Anna Pau, La reazione dell’Unione europea di fronte alla crisi del Mediterraneo orientale: tra misure restrittive e la proposizione di “un’agenda politica positiva” alla Turchia
Andrea Ryan, The Interplay Between the European Supervision Order and the European Arrest Warrant: An Untapped Potential Waiting to Be Harvested
Anna Sakellaraki, Halcyon Days for the Right to Silence: AG Pikamäe’s Opinion in Case DB v. Consob
Georgi Sulev, Soft Law in EU Electronic Communications Regulation: A Bulgarian Case Study
Juliette Dudermel, Commission c. Italie, affaire C-644/18: nouveau manquement d’Etat au regard de la directive "qualité de l’air"
Francesca Finelli, A New EU Sanctions Regime Against Human Rights Violations
Stefano Montaldo, Special Focus on Pre-trial Detention and Its Alternatives Under EU Law: An Introduction
European Papers, Vol. 5, 2020, No 3, European Forum, pp. 1357-1576
ISSN 2499-8249