European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 6, 2021, No 3

Europe at War
Proportionality in the PSPP Saga: Why Constitutional Pluralism Is Here to Stay and Why the Federal Constitutional Court Did not Violate the Rules of Loyal Conduct
Martin Höpner
Peering Inside the Preliminary Reference Box: Coleman v Attridge Law
Jeffrey A. Miller
Exporting Arms over Values: The Humanitarian Cost of the European Defence Fund
Bram Vroege
The Entitlement of the European Union to Exercise Diplomatic Protection: An International Customary Law Perspective
Aurora Rasi
The Law of the Economic and Monetary Union: Complementing, Adapting or Transforming the EU Legal Order?
edited by Fernando Losada and Klaus Tuori
Integrating Macroeconomics into the EU Single Legal Order: The Role of Financial Stability in Post-crisis Europe
Fernando Losada and Klaus Tuori
EMU in the Case Law of the Union Courts: A General Overview and Some Observations
Allan Rosas
The Parliamentary Accountability of EMU Decisions: Between Informality and Fragmentation
Diane Fromage
ECB Decision-making Within the Banking and Monetary Union: The Principle of Confidentiality on Its Way Out?
Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel
The Sui Generis Framework for Implementing the Law of EMU: A Constitutional Assessment
Merijn Chamon
The Delegation of Powers to EU Agencies After the Financial Crisis
Marta Simoncini
The EMU Rationale for Capital Markets Union
Teemu Juutilainen
European Forum
Insights and Highlights

- 725 lectures