- 706 lectures
Vasiliki Apatzidou, Schengen Reform: ‘Alternatives’ to Border Controls to Curb ‘Secondary Movements’
Giacomo Biagioni, The Curious Incident of the ‘State Aid’ Granted by an International Arbitral Tribunal
Matteo Bonelli, Constitutional Language and Constitutional Limits: The Court of Justice Dismisses the Challenges to the Budgetary Conditionality Regulation
Chiara Cellerino, L’effettività del cd. 'regolamento di blocco' tra coercizione straniera e libertà di impresa: la Corte di giustizia si pronuncia nel caso Bank Melli Iran
Marco Gerbaudo, The European Commission’s Instrumentalization Strategy: Normalising Border Procedures and De Facto Detention
Miroslava Marinova, The EU General Court's 2022 Intel Judgment: Back to Square One of the Intel Saga
Stefano Montaldo, The Green Deal and the Case for a Soil Health Framework Directive
Felix Peerboom, Protecting Borders or Individual Rights? A Comparative Due Process Rights Analysis of EU and Member State Responses to ‘Weaponised’ Migration
Anna Peychev, Disorder and Discipline: The ECB’s Transmission Protection Instrument
Marilù Porchia, Le deroghe alla direttiva rimpatri all'ombra del Patto: strumentalizzazione dei migranti e riforma del meccanismo di valutazione e monitoraggio di Schengen
Giovanni Zaccaroni, Decentralized Finance and EU Law: The Regulation on a Pilot Regime for Market Infrastructures Based on Distributed Ledger Technology
European Papers, Vol. 7, 2022, No 2, European Forum
ISSN 2499-8249