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Citizenship, Coronavirus and Questions of Competence


Abstract: Restrictions on movement imposed in all Member States have necessarily resulted in a restriction of free movement rights of Union citizens, albeit in an incidental manner. These restrictions are nonetheless facilitated by the relevant provisions of primary and secondary law. This is appropriate in light of the multi-level system of...

Poland Before the Court of Justice: Limitless or Limited Case Law on Art. 19 TEU?


Abstract: In 2019, the Court of Justice has ruled in an innovative case on the protection of the independence of Member States’ judiciaries. In two judgments, delivered in June and November, the Court declared that several statutes amending the organisation of the Polish judicial system infringed the second subparagraph of Art. 19, para. 1, TEU...

Rethinking Solidarity in View of the Wanting Internal and External EU Law Framework Concerning Trade Measures in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis


Abstract: The present Insight looks at the EU and the international law framework concerning trade measures in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, focusing on export restrictions. As is shown, the legal framework is fairly permissive with regard to EU Member States, but also the EU as an international actor. Taking into account economics–...

European Solidarity in Times of Emergency: An Introduction to the Special Focus on COVID-19 and the EU


Keywords: COVID-19 and the EU – European Solidarity – EU Values – EU Policies – EU Competences – New Research Paths.

On 13 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Europe the active centre of the COVID-19 pandemic. One month later, on 14 April 2020, several European Union Member States were...

L’illégalité de la suspension du Parlement britannique demandée par Boris Johnson: la décision du 24 septembre 2019 rendue par la Cour suprême britannique


Keywords: Brexit – prorogation – constitutional convention – Supreme Court – parliamentary sovereignty – parliamentary democracy.

“Crucially, today’s ruling confirms that we are a nation governed by the rule of law, laws that everyone, even the Prime Minister, are subject to” a déclaré Gina Miller à la sortie...

Towards Common Minimum Standards for Whistleblower Protection Across the EU


Abstract: This Insight describes the content of the Proposal for a Directive on the protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law, approved with amendments by the European Parliament and formally adopted by the Council on 7th October 2019. The Directive, which will now be formally signed and published in the...

La direttiva 2017/1371 e l’armonizzazione della prescrizione nei reati di frode fiscale: una possibile soluzione al conflitto tra Corti sorto dalla vicenda Taricco


Abstract: This Insight focuses on a – apparently overlooked – passage of the decision M.A.S and M.B. (judgment of 5 December 2017, case C-42/17 [GC], or Taricco II), referring to the Directive 2017/1371. The Court of Justice seemingly assumes that the Directive imposes to the Member States to consider criminal limitations...

“In Between Seats”… The Conseil constitutionnel and the CETA


Abstract: On 26 July 2017, the Conseil constitutionnel ruled upon the compatibility of an EU (mixed) agreement with the French Constitution. Its decision, which concerned the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), clarifies, from a national constitutional law perspective, the room of manoeuvre of the national judge...

Impact of Brexit on European Company Law: A French Private International Lawyer Perspective


Abstract: Although the outcome of the Brexit remains quite uncertain, this Insight aims at contemplating, from a private international law perspective, what the consequences of Brexit, in the field of Company law, could be. From Incorporation to (possible) freedom of movement, through recognition (and its consequences), the major...

La Corte costituzionale chiude la “saga Taricco”: tra riserva di legge, opposizione de facto del controlimite e implicita negazione dell’effetto diretto


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the recent ruling delivered by the Italian Constitutional Court (ICC) on April 10th 2018, n. 115 (which has been lodged on May 31st 2018), on the so called Taricco affair. The author submits three main arguments. The first is that the ICC, by explicitly rejecting the possible...



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