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Dinamarca contraataca: el caso Ajos, un nuevo desafío para el diálogo judicial


Abstract: On 6 December 2016, the Supreme Court of Denmark delivered its judgment in the Ajos case (no. 15/2014, DI acting for Ajos A/S v. The estate left by A.). The Danish Court surprisingly disregarded the guidelines provided by the Court of Justice in its preliminary ruling of April 19, 2016. With its decision, the Supreme...

El Sistema Constitucional de la Unión Europea en Liza: Recapitulando el Caso Miller


Abstract: This Insight analyses the decisions in Miller et al. v. Secretary of State for exiting the European Union (UK High Court, judgment of 3 November 2016, [2016] EWHC 2768 (Admin); UK Supreme Court, judgment of 24 January 2017, [2017] UKSC 5) focusing on the constitutional implications of the Brexit for the United Kingdom and...

“Clash of Titans” 2.0. From Conflicting EU General Principles to Conflicting Jurisdictional Authorities: The Court of Justice and the Danish Supreme Court in the Dansk Industri Case


Abstract: The present Insight focuses on the reception by the Danish Supreme Court (judgment of 6 December 2016, no. 15/2014, DI acting for Ajos A/S v. The estate left by A.) of the Court of Justice decision in the Dansk Industri case (judgment of 19 April 2016, case C-441/14 [GC]). Instead of disapplying a national...

EU Law and Extradition Agreements of Member States: The Petruhhin Case


Abstract: The Insight analyses the recent judgment of the Court of Justice in the Aleksei Petruhhin v. Latvijas Republikas Ģenerālprokuratūra case (judgment of 6 December 2016, case C-182/15). The preliminary ruling deals with the relationship between EU law and Member States’ extradition agreements with third countries. The...

Denialism as the Supreme Expression of Realism – A Quick Comment on NF v. European Council


Abstract: By Order of 28 February 2017 in case T-192/16, NF v. European Council, the General Court dismissed as inadmissible an action for annulment brought against the s.c. EU-Turkey deal concluded on 18 March 2016. In the view of the General Court, independently of its binding nature, the deal is to be attributed to the Member States and...

A Br-Exit Strategy: Questioning Dualism in the Decision R (Miller) v. The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union


Abstract: The authors offer an alternative reading of the judgment R (Miller) v. The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union focusing on the dualistic v. monistic dichotomy which permeates the High Court’s reasoning. The authors argue that the Court strives for rendering a substantive reading of the relationship between...

Representing the People vs Channelling Them: Constitutional Niceties in an Age of Instant Democratic Gratification


Keywords: Brexit – UK constitutional law – Article 50 TEU – prerogative – separation of powers – treaty-making.

On 3 November 2016 the High Court decided in the case R (Miller) v. Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union[1] that the Prime Minister...

“Clash of Titans”. General Principles of EU Law: Balancing and Horizontal Direct Effect


Abstract: More than 10 years after the first ruling on the horizontal effect of the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of age, in the Dansk Industri case (Court of Justice, judgment of 19 April 2016, Dansk Industri (DI), Acting on Behalf of Ajos A/S v. Estate of Karsten Eigil Rasmussen, case C-441/14 [GC]) the CJEU...

Interpretazione dei Trattati istitutivi dell’UE: quale ruolo per le decisioni assunte in sede di Consiglio europeo?


Abstract: At the meeting of 18 and 19 February 2016, the European Council adopted a decision aimed at determining the interpretation of the “ever closer Union” clause contained in the founding Treaties and their preambles. The present Insight will deal with the effect of European Council’s decisions, and of agreements concluded in...



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