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European Solidarity in Times of Emergency: An Introduction to the Special Focus on COVID-19 and the EU


Keywords: COVID-19 and the EU – European Solidarity – EU Values – EU Policies – EU Competences – New Research Paths.

On 13 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Europe the active centre of the COVID-19 pandemic. One month later, on 14 April 2020, several European Union Member States were...

International and European Emergency Assistance to EU Member States in the COVID-19 Crisis: Why European Solidarity Is Not Dead and What We Need to Make It both Happen and Last


Abstract: It is of course too early to draw conclusions about the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 crisis in its Member States while we are still in the midst of the health crisis. On the other hand, it is already possible to correct the widely shared first impression that European solidarity had been shattered. The available public data...

EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement: Insights on the Substantial and Procedural Guarantees for Labour Protection in Vietnam


Abstract: On 12 February 2020, the European Parliament gave its green light for a free trade agreement between the EU and Vietnam. After its conclusion by the Council and ratification by the Vietnamese General Assembly, it is likely to enter into force in early Summer 2020. During the long negotiation period, the project attracted criticism and...

Google v. CNIL: The Territorial Scope of the Right to Be Forgotten Under EU Law


Abstract: This Insight provides a critical analysis of the judgment of 24 September 2019, Google Inc. v. Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL), case C-507/17, which clarified the territorial scope of the right to be forgotten under current EU law by holding that it only applies within EU borders. Although...

The Issue of Data Protection in EU Trade Commitments: Cross-border Data Transfers in GATS and Bilateral Free Trade Agreements


Abstract: The rapid technological developments and the increasing data flows have not yet been addressed through global coordination. The WTO has so far played a minor role, failing to update its treaties to the new reality of digital trade. To reduce the uncertainty as to the economic and privacy-related impacts of cross-border data flows,...

The Territorial Scope of the Right to Be Forgotten Online in the Opinion of the Advocate General on the Case Google CNIL


Keywords: right to be forgotten – privacy – freedom of expression – territorial scope – internet – State sovereignty.

On 10 January 2019, the Advocate General of the CJEU delivered his opinion on a new controversial case on the right to be forgotten online (RBF).[1]...

Riflessioni a margine della sentenza della Corte di giustizia nel caso AMP Antarctica: un approccio più morbido a favore degli Stati membri?


Abstract: In November 2018, the Court of Justice ruled on the so-called Antarctica case (judgment of 20 November 2018, joined cases C‑626/15 e C‑659/16, Commission v. Council) on two actions of annulment brought by the Commission against Council decisions approving the submission to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic...

Suing the European Union in the UK: Tomanović et. al. v. the European Union et. al.


Abstract: In its judgment of 13 February 2019 in the case of Tomanović v. the European Union, the English High Court of Justice dismissed several claims based on human rights violations by EULEX Kosovo. Although the High Court’s dismissal was ultimately based on the lacking incorporation of the Treaty provisions on the Common...



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